Says, Mr.Pestaker.
I'm fine, I just want a hug.
I don't eat my victims afterwards. I'm not Hannibal Lector.
Oh good she fell for the tea....yes...yes.....YES!
Nah, sorry if they find all of my that would be a sit.
Only if you don't like coffee.
That sounds dirty. Ah, if murder was only legal.
You are on my pint sized amiga.
Nah, other than the d-bag. I actually like my life xD.
Bye, my strange friend. I'll miss you!
Now calm down there Bridezilla, or else I'm going to being back the marker.
I know I'm the closest mofo ever!
No just this one dude who is being a complete d-bag.
Help! Meh!
All quiet on the western front.
Well from the sound of it, it does sound like you are pushing yourself too hard. But on the other hand it could be *this is just an assumption* that you are not used to running. I have notice that some of my friends when they run don't breath through their nose and out of the mouth. I know it sounds dumb but it helps you not become as tired. But what I find frustrating is that your teacher is going to punish you for giving your best but not keeping up with the pack. I don't know if this helps out at all...probably not but I hope it kinda does.
Woooo Wooooo Wooooo, hay is for horses, or really confused people.
Your mind not mine. Oh, but that time was just funny. Ah, the look on those little hamster xD, ah good times good times.
An 06 mazad 3.