*Sojiro looks* " ummm ok didn't know what that was" he said to himself.. "Should i trust her...ok i will" *he walks off* ooc awwwww :( cya later
*Sojiro sees her..* "Ummm hello there anything u need?" he said
OK all ill be talking to u guys later im heading out and i mite be on later on tonite if not then tommaro :D cya
Yea im use to it heh but it does hurt every now and then XD
lolz i dunno he poped in said hi and left XD
hehe lolz :D well its a tough sport i broke a couple bones this year playing but nothing severe
heh the football lik NFL,I play High school football varsity i dunno how else i can explain it XD
yup NP :D heh Kikame: thx i hope we are able to win the cup this year heh its out first year having a football team and its good
of course that'll be ok i love to help friends its what i do heh :D cheer up just post here more u got friends on this forum just remember that heh :D
Football we undefeated and we trying to keep it so its getting fun and stuff heh hey what are u talking about its good having u here heh and math well if u need help im here im good at math
heh so whats everyone been up to latly?
hmm well its nice talking with ya been awile since ive talked to u guys
Im pretty good got sick over the weekend so not really filling good but im getting there heh
Kev: Hey man long time no see heh hows it going? Fire: Hey long time no see Fire hows it going havnt seen u in awile
hmm well hows every1 doin
hey all im back
heh lolz when u acieve that tell me :D itl be kol
Yea cookies tht big would be pretty kol
thx for the support
well still sick... tryin to fight this but gettin better heh