Ok ill check it out later cause i gtg XD cya later kika O a blackout we had 1 this mornin heh
sry got lost for a bit XD yea sure i would lik to read one
pretty good heh bored though
wow this is crazy......
"Tailm eh" he said "hmmm well ty for telling me that" *he starts to practice* ooc where is everyone??
Hey kika hows it going?
"I still dont understand this much..." he said "hmmm well i guess ill practice"
Hey all :D hows it going
"....others...??" he though "hmmmm this is getting crazyier and crazyier everyday" *he sits down and thinks*
"....what is that suppose to mean" he said
"alright.." he charges down
"heh thank you" *seeing he was caught he engulf himself in flames and some of the area around him*
he gets hit and flys back a bit "hmm well ur good" He starts to charge up some fire and covers his arms and heads for her
"alright" *sojiro charges at Her and starts to punch*
"hmmmm well ok" he said putting his arms up
"what....???? what do i look like fighting you..... i just cant fight a women it wont fill right.." he said bakeing off..
"I believe that i am able to fight"
*Sojiro hits the ground* "Phew i havnt realesed energy like that in awile,,Wow this place is amazing"
"are u sure i mite turn this place to dust...well u asked for it" *he starts to power up all the way and everything is starting to get really hot* "Alright HAAA!!!!"
"Ok here goes" *ground around him starts to get hot* "alright how much do u want to see?"