O yea we have a soccer team and i do play for it but i like football better
O ok axel ill look up some songs Ummm my fav team is Phily but i play for a team, My high skol team and we got a game soon
OO im still on chap 6 XD ma bad i havnt had anytime to read it im lik soo tired n stuff and now im gettin ready for my footbal game XD hmmm wen can i read it.....well i dunno but wen i have time ill read it
hey axel sup.... im good just woke up n waitin till 12 for my football game
Sup Burn hows it going?
hey all wsup?
Hello to whoevers here
Thats a very sad poem but its good
wow this is good ctr heh seems sad tough but it still good
Cool poem CTR i like it :D
Hey all wsup??
hmm this is kol can i be ichigo?
Hmm well i dunno that either XD well i kno who u r now lower heh took me awile to figure out but yea i get what u saying now we should just end it
hmmm well not every1 thinks like you, i get what u saying and all but some people just dont think that way
Lower that was kinda cruel dont you think?
Nop i do not hate u :D if i did i wouldnt be talkin to u hahah :D
O myspace eh
hey all hows it goin?
hello any1 here??