Everyone is out of town...hell, I'm gonna be in Guam in a week. ...Have an open house. It doesn't really matter who comes as long as they're some hot girls to keep things going, right?
Smells Like Teen Spirit ~ Nirvana
I agree, you should have a party. I can't believe that didn't occur to you immediately. Anyway, RAVE TIEM FUCK YEAH!
Like Mish said, Neon Genesis Evangelion's Asuka. I was going to AX, but pretty much today until the 5th I'm going to be helping with video-editing at the dropzone [skydiving]. I was never really one for American cons anyway though. It seems they're full of weeaboos/crazed otaku/crazed fujoshi nowadays. I will likely be able to make it to the next Wonder Festival though, so I'll probably be able to whore it out there~
Come As You Are ~ Nirvana
Lithium ~ Nirvana
...wait, what? :\
Inryoku ~ Perfume AV idols >_>...
Rise ~ Kanno Yoko
Mizerable ~ Gackt
Black Stone ~ Gackt
Vanilla ~ Gackt *swoons* RVR: I have an aunt in the area.
Krezzeh betch Asuka plugsuit came in the mail today~ alchemistt: That jewelry looks delicious. I want to eat it. :3
God, more people here live in Michigan than I thought. Davison, about an hour away from Farmington. Art of Life (Live) ~ X Japan
PROTIP: Download WinRAR.
Been a while since I played Vice City, but I think I the vehicle's name had two 'g's. If that was even the version of GTA I'm remembering...
He likely tilted it when he moved it. It's happened to me before when some kid knocked it over.
True.... I'd attempt to say it was due to implications, but it has been requested of me to 'cover' more of the characters in my art so perhaps it would be better to remove it before she gets on.
Oh for god sake, she has a bra X3 ...that's worksafe right? >_>