I can proudly say I've never watched it. It looked like pure, distilled, concentrated crap. :3
I find that interesting seeing how Africa is significantly larger in square miles compared to South America.
Babies are very high in nutritional value. I don't eat anything that isn't of the feline species, watermelon, or microwavable, so they make up for that lost portion of a healthy diet.
Crimson, at the moment. It variates over time.
Are you sure about that?
Split it with me? :3
Oh, that's right, we're on the internet.
Right, I forgot ten year olds couldn't handle such revealing images.
....feet? XD
Pfffft, sexist.
You be stealin' mah thunder? X3 Jah kay.
Oh god, a Realdoll. Thaaaanks XDDD. And Neutrogena Deep Clean cream cleanser. It's like a tsunami on your face <3 Nooooooo, I've gotten my visits from Aunt Rose for long enough >_> Kota: That Yugioh parody is hilarious. XD
Oho, desperate rebuttal is desperaaaate~
Sillies, DA already dictates the world.
Can you honestly say that? :3 Damn P:
Arittake no ai de ~ Gackt
It's probably lolita yaoi or something >_> And I'd be willing to bet Senstive Pornograph is playing on VLC.
If you've ever gone to a club like Clutch Cargo's you'll know how much easier it is for women to get in rather than guys. ;3