*cough*FH > Prem *cough*cough* >_>
And so is RVR...
I know I'm a camwhore but I mean WHORESHOT whore. X3
lol, Moonspeak.
Pyramid Head? That looks a lot like Pyramid Head. :3 Well, I was going to post pictures of my Yoko cosplay...but now that I consider it I doubt I want to whore myself to such an extent. Not for the whole forum at least. See obvious reasons. Yeah. So a boring picture is fine too.
You underestimate yourself. :3 Especially after seeing so much stuff on these forums [uhh no offense to other drawers but let's be realistic] it's even nicer to look at then they are normally. Like SA said, you know how to manipulate your medium. You've already defined your main struggle points and what needs to be corrected, and SA previously said the tendency I was going to note, so I'm seriously going to make this one of those "OMG it's so good!" posts that contribute absolutely nothing. ;D And yeah, male anatomy >_>; *cough*
Snape is made of sex and god. *snapegasm* Realistically due to age of consent and other laws though, I suppose I would say Malfoy...but it would be oneshot. Mostly just for physical features of attraction. Although us females do prefer nicer guys, we alllsooo kind of like it when you act like a ******. So yeah. I can't believe I posted in this.
These threads are fucktarded. No, ******ed doesn't emphasize the stupidity enough.
\:3 Randomness is fucking random, but does this link work for anyone?
Evidentially you weren't around for this. That rule has been demolished. ;D
I heard that exact same thing the other day, on a completely different subject.
....It's beyond you at this point.
Aha, knew it wasn't real. :3 I'd say they taste more like melon/pineapple though....not as much mango.
Most likely. I've never heard of any plant species that produces such a thing, and after a few minutes searching I'm firmly convinced that one doesn't exist. The closest thing Earth has is the starfruit, which is actually citrus, not pulpy like paopu is proposed to be. Mind you it isn't really in the shape of a star. That's simply an angle that suggests it.
You obviously didn't even read it, since you responded so rapidly. And when I say romance games, I mean, in some cases, hentai games or dating sims.
So, let me try to understand why I play and enjoy playing romance games... To do so, I'd first define them, or rather try to characterize them, to separate them into their different components and will take the exact case of the romance games I'm most fond of: ADVs or VNs-type romance games. What makes them? First, the story, obviously, and its constituents: plot, characters and storytelling. But it's not all! You also have the visual aspect and sound aspect, themselves having characteristics and constituents: the visual aspect is characterized by being fixed drawings with only one frame being displayed on the same screen while the sound aspect can be separated into the voice, sound effect and background music components. Now, let's consider them... None of them is an attribute of only romance games. I once wrote about the different media: Romance games are to me then a compromise between most of those media: the strength of a written text, the narrative power of comics, the sound effect of the movies, anime, and drama CDs. Of course, they also get the drawbacks of them [restricting effect of having pictures instead of just text, no motion, no real human being], but I think they make a good compromise. ...if all those aspects were given equal treatment, which is not the case. When I read- sorry, play a romance game, I feel like reading a novel, but with visual and sound aspect. So, when it looks like the 'novel' aspect is what plays the most important role in me enjoying such games, the sound and visual aspect also play an important role as they make me prefer such games to 'normal' books: it's what gives romance games the little 'more'. And, since I do like the Japanese anime style of drawings. But are they the only reasons? I said 'read' then corrected myself into 'play'. 'Play'. Books, comics, movies, cartoons, and drama CDs and media in which the audience is a mere spectator: he can enjoy them, but never influence them. That, is something I often disagree with...and I'm sure everyone willed at least once to be able to change a book, comic, movie or cartoon's character reaction. This is the reason why I enjoyed "Books Which You're The Hero Of" when I was young... or playing RPGs. Of course, there's still a story, but you're still acting in it and making choices; not always the ones you'd like most, but a choice is better than none in my opinion. So, I also like such games because I read a story, which isn't mine, yet feels like it is, because it's written in the first person, and I have the ability to make choices. So story, story then. And because of that- what I want to enjoy are foremost books; one can understand why I prefer ADVs or VNs to any other type of gameplay. But, why the story? And which kind? I'm a bookworm, I always was. I always read books by the hundred and spent my free time [well, when I was young at least] reading books. My personal favorites always were mythic and legendary romances, but also modern tales of love, always the kind I think love stories should be, tragic: Tristan and Iseult, Lancelot and Guenever, Siegfried and Brunehylde, Medea and Jason, Romeo and Juliet, Honore de Balzac's stories, Choderlos de Laclos's Dangerous Acquaintances, and the like. I enjoy stories of impossible love, where society, fate, nature, divinities, etc. oppose the lovers, where love is a potent and poisonous nectar which turns its drinkers drunk at the first sip, making them lose all reason, yet so bewitching they can't live without drinking more while knowing only suffering, despair and death wait for them in the end, a dream so soft they want it to last forever though aware they'd have to wake up; where love is the only gain and its price can't be paid by any human being. Love should burn the lovers, passion should devour them, desire should consume them; their only wish, and the only thing they can't have, ever. For similar reasons, I enjoy stories where love is supposed to be the ultimate savior, the one thing which would redeem or save its heroes, but fails to; where people would doom themselves because of love. The games we're talking are romance games, and romance is in the end the story of two people falling in love, and succeeding, despite the forces which oppose them, trying to find healing in love. Romance is overcoming those forces, being rewarded by love and paying the price. My love for books and romance would naturally then bring me to them, like a moth to a flame, even more because of their other aspects: pictures and sounds, which complement my imagination and cater to my anime fan side. Of course, it also means I don't enjoy all kind of romance games and stories. Just the ones matching, or nearing, the ones I quoted: Gin'iro, Air, GreenGreen, FATE/stay night... Obviously, because such games are rare, I also enjoy games which have such an atmosphere: depressing, sad, where you can feel the [moral] sufferings and the tragedy of their existence of the characters as you progress in the game [Mizuiro, 21 ~TwoOne, Clover Heart's for instance]. Because of that, I tend to go after the introvert, asocial, reserved, never smiling and silent [shy?] kind of girls [Serika from To Heart, Sanae from GreenGreen, Rydia from Majokko A LA MODE, Mutsuki in Mizuiro, Akane in ONE, Shiina from Yuibashi, Vanilla from Galaxy Angels...] because their characters cry out they have potential for having suffered from life to become as they are. And, of course, I'm wishing for a tragic ending. Intellectually, at least. I'll be honest: somewhat, my heart doesn't agree with my mind. It hates such girl, because it thinks only smile suits a girl and that girls their age should be enjoying life instead. So it wants me go court such girls and bring a smile to their face. So, true, they both push me into going after such girls, but disagree on which kind of ending [happy or tragic] I'd wish for most. My mind usually wins, but that conflict keeps my interest because I enjoy how the events would make one prevails on the other. So, in conclusion, I like ADVs and VNs games, because I like reading novels and enjoy anime style art. Also, since I tend to prefer tragic romances, I naturally turned to romance games rather than horror or suspense ones, for instance. It's a pity though I've never completely found the kind of story I love best: one with eternal damnation and reincarnations, of sin committed out of love and for love, of never reached redemption, where love would be the sword which allows victory, the Graal which heals injuries, the poison which destroys the body and the evil which corrupts the soul. TYPE-MOON's works give me hope, nonetheless. Hmmm...I don't expect many replies to this thread.
It's more of a meme to say such, but I have to agree, it is rather ******ed.
There's free speech for a reason. I mean, there are people that don't like Bush but that doesn't stop anyone, including myself. :\
Poor logic there because you can't expect any gratuitous scenes seeing how it's a Disney movie. X3
Yeeeeah...I don't plan on watching it.