Cartilage? Yes, cracking them is supposed to wear away at it. You'll likely have horrible arthritis and/or carpal tunnel when you're older. ...I'll probably have it from typing.
Hostel was pretty puss.
No no no, Sadako turns the television on.
The features don't look especially prominent in any way, so I'm guessing you went without reference. Of course, the model could have just been Realdoll lol. Anyway, her face kind of seems on a slant if you know what I mean. There's a somewhat noticable difference in degree as to the angle of the set positions of eyes, nose. Well, the mouth specifically. While everything else is titled slightly, it remains straight. This also goes for the lower jaw and her chin. I'll go ahead and assume you based the outline of that part of her face off of the mouth, or vice versa, seeing how they present the same conflict with other features. Otherwise, very nice. And lovely shading D;
No, you won't.
I can't believe you made a thread about this.
I don't think mushrooms make your breath particularly foul. Now onions...
I'll agree I was being moderately cunty with mine, but Hissora wasn't being 'mean' with her post.
PROTIP: Don't type like ******. :3
Romance game.... I play it for the interesting plot, but obviously in any H-game there will be hentai, and well, yeah.
Same here. I'm a horrible hyper groomer. For the past few months though I've been keeping fake ones on, which keeps me from gnawing furiously at the nail. I still tend to ravage the cuticle every now and then though.
lol, Reminds me of how my uncle walked in on me playing Alice Tale today. I love how he tries to be casual about it. "I didn't know you were interested in BDSM." "(#゜Д゜);;;;;"
Ladies. Delicious filler.
...Hypno Toad doesn't work on anyone. :\
Ahaha, oh wow. *snerk*....March.
Here, I think you were looking for something a little more authentic.
I wouldn't say it can be really 'defined' as it's more of an opinionated thing, but pretty much someone who makes insignificant posts that they couldn't really care less about just for a +1. In other words, pretty much all of the replies in the Introduction section >_>
Yeah, I suspect most of the people who regular the Introduce Yourself section are just post whores. We all know they don't do it out of the kindness of their hearts.
You likely could have just taken a hammer to it and saved the half hour.