Xarend just lays there not breathing
Xarend lays on the ground pale white and it looks like that phisoxa is alive
Xarend loks at Doxyc and the Ansem "i will have to do this" Xarend grabs Phisoxa and livates off the clff and he puts her down "hopefuly it works" i put my hands over her and my soul goes into her
Xarend Yells "livatate" and he flys up there and stands intead of ansem "u can have me instead"
Xarendhits the heartless abck and yells up to ansem "hey ansem u spar both of them ill let u have me instead"
Xarend sees all the keyblades fly toward me "OMG" Xarend Yells and starts running at The heartless as the heartless runs at Xarend
ooc: o well pretend it didnt happen
Xarend gets up and charges at his heartless and he hits his heartless makeing him fly backward the Xarend yells "freeze" then his heartless freezes in the air and i run up and hit doxycs frozon leg and gets him unstuck
starts attack his heartless and his heartless hits Xarend making him fly back
xarend Sees the heartless copy coming after him so he starts going after him
Xarend throws one of his keyblades and ansem then i charges behind it
Xarend gets out his 2 keyblades "doxyc who is he"
Looks around "ur right somethings not right"
ooc: yep u have not missed anything
ooc:yes 4 now
ooc: there was something about a mansion but we wernt sure so we went and stared fighting
Xarend walks through the portal Doxyc made
stops and looks at u
I keeps charging then i yell "FREEZE" ur keyblades and u frezee
i charge and i knock away ur keyblades with mine and i keep charging at u