xarend looked at her "not to be rude or anything but who ru"he siad to her
Xarend gets surround by nobodies so he jumps in the air and slams his keyblades into the ground and the ground that the nobodies r on raise and it hits the ceiling crushing them all
Xarend sences a nobdy and he turns and slinces doen then to the side and the nobody falls down into 4 peices
Xarend looks at doxyc "that was kool"
"that must we our new powers working"
Xarend holds both of his keyblaes out infront of him "idk maybe like" Xarend moves his keyblades in a circle and it makes a giant dark energy ball and he start slaghing at the air toward the nobodies and the energy ball goes at them "WOW"
Xarend walks closely behinde Doxyc
Xarend trys not to look back running through the portal
Xarend absorbed the orb and his keyblades also chanded into Rapture and Tenbrex keyblades and his armor now black
Xarend looks at Xriks in shock
as we pass the clouds, we see the highest rock point se we quicky jump up to it. we both stop and look up to see a dark portal closeing.
"WOW that must of been some fight " Xarend says to Doxyc
Xarend looks around and doesnt see him "i dont kno" Xarend says, then Doxyc and Xarend start walking around looking for Xriks
Xarend runs though the portal
Xarend looks around nd then looks at Doxyc and runs over to him and says "we have to go find her but we have to go somewhere else first"
Xarend looks at nuthura "ur mother"
Xarend looks up and sees Doxyc there "what just happend"
Xarend laid there helplessly as doxyc looked over him.
ooc: OMG u power player we r going to acvt like that didnt happen
Xarend jst lays there not moving