YAY!! im happy now
what about me i want to be in
ooc: its for suspence
the guy stands there looking at duel wiedler
Xarend opens a white portal on the ground and jumps in it
Xarend jumped off and doxyc and xarend takes off his hood. u see light blue hair and percing yellow eyes glair in the night "trust me...we will"
Xarend nodded his head and jammed his keyblades into the ground making a ring around the ground and raised into the air and it make its way to the castle of nightfall
Xarend walked through the portal fallowing closely behind doxyc
"fine but first" Xarend spread his legs apart and put his keyblades by his side...he closes his eyes and a shadow that looked like him came out...he then opened his eyes and said "go" when he siad that he went looking for rokuxion. then Xarend and doxyc went off
Xarend jumps right before the orb hits the ground and lands infront of doxyc and makes his keyblades spin as a shield for us
Xarend jumps in the air over the ground and slashe my keyblades in the air in the area rokuxion is and energy slahs go toward him ooc: okay! ^_^
ooc: if u like long post that ok but dont u power play on me Xarend blocks the attacks and stands there still smirking
ooc:this is y u dont put long posts Xarend walks toward rokuxion smirking "u will be the one to die"
ooc: no it ne and doxyc vs everyone eles
Xarend and doxyc appeard in the flamed ring "not to ruin ur fun but.." hold keyblades out "we have unfinished bussines"
Xarend looks at Doxyc "we shall" Xarend opend a portal and Xarend and Doxyc run throught it
ooc: k!!! :)
ooc: ok i dont need any ranks rp: xarend threw his arms and his keyblades came out
ooc:i wanted to do my own thing... the keys of destiny
A guy in a white trenchcoat walks threw a portal "the keys of destiny"