occ: fine!
Xarend kicks u in the face and does a backflip off of ur body and flips right over Doxyc ooc: its ok
oc: what doxyc
ooc: i got bored so i had to put something
Xarend then he jumps back and slams his keyblades into the ground and thr ground around me rasies up 75 feet into the air
Xarend reaches him and his keyblade slames into him and he lands "today u will die my my keyblades
Xarend ju,ps and grabs his keyblade and travels with it.
Xarend extends his arms and his keyblades appeard in his hands Xarend then Throw his tenbrex keyblades and lightnig speend and ran rght behind it
Xarend stands there and looks at doxyc "u ready"
ooc: yea doxyc i kno its awsome rp: Xarend nodes his head
Xarend looks at doxyc "i been waiting to" Xarend takes off his cloak... he is wearing a white shrit and long black pants with chains on them
ok i edited my post so i was there all along
Xarend jumps up on a fallen building and lookes around
"alot i can now tame more power than ever...what have u learned"
ooc: ok im srry duel wielder i really am rp: Xarend Stands there in TWT. in he looks around and sees everyone fighting. Xarend puts his head down "i dont want to help..." he lookes up "but its then only way"
ooc: well start reading on page 97 then ull fing out ooc: WHAT PAGE DID HE SAVE ME ON
ooc: I TOLD U
Xarend sened Doxyc so he opened a portal to hallow bastion and find Doxyc "hello there"
ooc: what page was that on.. and besides the last thing i did was light the place on fire and walked throught a portal not saying were i was
ooc: yea hes heasling ppl r fighting...i guess i had my life saved but i dont kno how