OOC: .............. XD Still...you gotta ask.
She blinked,a little worried and confused about what was going on. ".......Okay..." she said softly.She hesitently stepped back into the room,and sat on the foot of her bed.
OOC: -poke- Did you not hear me? GMING. In case you are wondering what you did,you have decided what /my/ character was without even asking me first. >>
She could overhear their conversation. 'Namine?' she wondered.She stepped out of the room. "Sora? What's going on?"
OOC: -cough- God Moding... >>
She turned to look at him as he came in,pausing her cleaning,if you call it.I just call it straightening up.But,whatever. [/rambling] "Thanks." she said,before Sora walked out.While he was gone,she pulled out his chair,like he did for her.She placed the bowls onto the table so Sora wouldn't have to do it.She had a little surprise for after dinner.Twas...a Paopu! 8D
OOC: XD Her eyes closed for that little moment he kissed her.They opened again before he spoke. "Okay..." she replied before he left.After he left the room,she got up,and straightened up the room a bit.Trying to make him feel as much as home as possible. She heard Axel,and sighed. 'Yes,I can see you...' she thought.
She grinned a little,then blinked as he picked her up and carried her....again.To her-cough,/their/ room.Twas theirs for now. "Um,okay..." she said.Though she didn't want to trouble him.
She chuckled a little with her mouth closed.She put down the stuff on a nearby table.And yawned a little. Sada jumped a little when Axel came in.Why was intruding her house?BREAKING AND ENTERING!! Poor girl.
She perked up,hearing Sora's voice behind her. "Hey." she said,smiling.She turned her attention to Karura.And blinked,until she heard her question. "Hi.Um,it's that way." she said.Pointing her finger towards the door. Her attention turned back to Sora,hearing him exclaim. "Sora,are you okay?"
She blinked,hearing his voice in head.She smiled again,then spotted a couple of said cleaning supplies.She decided just to do a couple of windows and the downstairs floor today.
After setting up the two beds,she came back downstairs,hoping that whatever it was that Sora was doing was finished.But,whatever.She finally spotted the note,and read it to herself.She smiled faintly. 'Thanks,Sora.' she thought to herself.
She nodded back in reply,before going upstairs.Even though nobody has lived in it for seven years,it wasn't as dusty as she thought it would be. She then found her and her sister's old room.Everything was just as they had left it.That 'extra bed' she had mentioned earlier was her sister's bed.Yes,they shared a room.
She blinked,seeing him change into that form. "Uhm,okay.....I'll go get everything ready." she said.
She blinked a few times,before looking back to Sora and smiling back.She followed him in. "Oh...school..." she said,just then remembering.It had been forever since she had gone to school at home.She shook it off for now.
She watched with worry as Sora stood up. "Are you sure?" she asked.Before following Sora's gaze and turning to see Karura.She blinked,confused. 'Who is that...?'
I am not joking! My head was against the wall that was behind my desk.XDD She smiled back,before Sora fainted.She gasped,then quickly kneeled down to go and help him.She put one of his arms around her shoulder,and did her best to try and hold him up.
She giggled a little. "If you want,you can stay here for the night.We have an extra bed." she offered. I did that,once.I fell asleep in Math Class just a couple weeks ago.Luckily,I was only asleep for like,5 minutes before my teacher said 'Rachel!Wake up!' and I was like 'Huh?Wha?" and the class started to laugh.XDD
She blinked,feeling his arm around the back of her neck and being put against his chest/side by his Heart.She didn't mind,though.She smiled,before closing her eyes.Her head lightly nuzzled against it.And before she knew it,they were almost back to her house.
Her eyes closed for the brief moment he kissed her,before she opened them again. "Okay..." she replied.Walking beside him.She was really eager to see her- no,/their/ home again.