She smiled in the eskimo kiss as well,then stopped after about 30 seconds.She blinked at the Frenchie,seeing as how she had never done one before.But nevertheless,she closed her eyes and returned it.
She nuzzled her nose against his,giving him a little eskimo kiss. "Love you too..." she replied.
Whoa.I actually said something,and people /agreed/ with it. The End of the World is near... :O
Haha.I wish to be Vexen.Why? Cause...i get to have some fun makin him look like a homosexual. x3
She smiled again,their lips now only a millimeter or two apart.Deciding to close the gasp,she kissed him again.Her eyes closed.
She giggled a little at his statement. "Yeah..." she replied,pressing their forheads and noses together gently. "And I'm not going to leave you." she said softly,leaning in a bit until their lips were only about an inch away. "Ever..." she whispered.
It won't have to end,so long as they are together.She blushed a little,before looking back up at him. "You /are/ an angel..." she replied.Cuddling up to him and holding him close.She looked up at him yet again,smiling cheerfully.
She grinned happily,again like ^-^. She opened her eyes,and stared into his.She leaned up a bit more and kissed his lips.They felt so soft and warm... So,Sora is with Sada,Roxas is with Karura,and poor Axel and Demyx are all alone...they should hook up. XD
Of course she wouldn't leave him.Even if it killed her.She smiled,and leaned her head up a bit so their noses would touch as well. "I love you too,Sora..." she whispered softly.
She smiled back,with her eyes shut.Like this: ^_^ She then opened her eyes,and stared back into his.She leaned forward until their foreheads were pressed together.
Her smile grew as he kissed her neck.She opened her eyes some,and kissed his cheek.It never felt so soft.
A faint smile was on her face when Sora pressed her head to his chest.Her eyes closed,the tears finally stopped with the exception of one.She listened to his Heart beat.It never sounded more beautiful than it did right there.
She pressed her forehead to his chest,a couple spots becoming slightly wet on his shirt from her tears.She looked up at him,to get a good look at his face,to make sure she wasn't dreaming.A couple more tears rolled down.
She heard his voice from outside,and looked out the window.A great,big,bright smile appeared on her face in happy disbelief.She dashed out the door and ran towards him.She almost tackled him to the ground,her arms around him tightly.Tears if happiness streamed down her face,just like earlier when they first showed up. "I thought...I thought you were gone."
She watched as he flew into the air,and stood up.She ran after him as he flew towards an exit to the house,and was able to grab his hand before he could get too far.Alas,he was able to break away,and she felt his tear.He was upset,too.She watched with grief as he flew away.She looked down to the floor,her eyes half-way open as she tried to remember good memories she had with him.Then her eyes shut.
A tear rolled down her cheek,her grip upon getting tighter.She watched with horror as Darkness took over his body,until he became that strange creature. "" she whispered,letting go.
OOC: That is exactly what I am saying.And why,thank you. ;3
Sada watched with great worry as Sora's arms and legs went Black.She heard him mumble her name.Sada held Sora close.Her arms around him tightly. "I'm here..." she whispered softly to him.
OOC: Hmm....I have an idea: Let's have Axel trying to break them up,cause he thinks that if Sora is with this one girl all the time,then Roxas will never wanna hang out with Axel ever again. :3
Sada hears a *THUD* on the floor outside.She didn't care what Sora told her to do,she was going back out to see what was going on. "Sora?" she asked,stepping out.Then spotted him on the floor. "Sora!" she said,kneeling down beside him.She took him into her arms,hoping he was okay.