"It's....okay..." she replied to his first statement.She looked up as he said 'Wait a minute'.She stepped a little closer,getting a clearer view of the boy.His spikey hair reminded her of...her childhood luff.She thought that,now...maybe it /was/ him. "Y...eah....I did." she replied. "Why?"
She took a couple steps toward him,before he asked that question.She sighed,and looked down. "It all happened so fast..." she said softly,still traumatized. "I remember...there was supposed to be a festival.People were going to celebrate it.And then...." her voice trailed off. "A star fell." she continued after a moment of silence. "The next thing I knew,a lady screamed,and a Heart,it seemed like...it flew into the air.There was a panic,and everyone started to run everywhere.There were Shadows everywhere...." "I ran back here,to my home.I wanted...I wanted to warn them,but they were already gone.I heard a window crash,and then the whole house was on fire.I passed out,and when I woke up..." she paused.Tears coming to her eyes. "Everyone was gone." she whispered.
OOC: Well,he did just get seperated from Riku and Kairi,right?Let's say he just showed up...like he did in the first game for Traverse Town. x3 The fog had eventually cleared.Sada blinked,wondering if she was dreaming,if it was only an illusion,or if that was really Sora. "S-Sada..." she replied softly.Though it was soft,it still echoed through out the ghost town.
The events that happened on this world....They're too grusome.But what happened here,it must be known... The night sky twinkled with stars,the people in the town bustled with last minute preparations of the Festivities.The Hekrd uv dra Cdyn,or 'Night of the Star' in Al Bhed,was starting.It was the only night of the year where all of the stars shine their brightest. They could be so bright,it would seem day though it was night. It was said this would bring good luck to all on the world. However,this festive 'holiday',one would call it,wasn't all good.Some believe in the Legend of Dra Lusehk uv Crytufc,or 'The Coming of Shadows'.It has been said that if somehow one of the shining stars have fallen, then Shadows from the Unknown Distance would come and consume the world. Nothing of this has actually happened,though.Well,not before.One single girl,a teenager the age of fifteen,isn't focusing on the shopping or the getting dressed.No,she is staring at a single star in the sky;the one that,to her,shines the brightest.It has been the one star she had been fond of since she moved her after being adopted;it wasn't a star,but the world she had been born on: Destiny Islands.You see,her father had died of a Market Cart accident when she was only six,then her mother of an illness two years later. She stared at the star,her sea-blue eyes twinkling with the stars above her;her shoulder-length,brown hair swaying slightly in the soft breeze.Her attention turns in a different direction.Her eyes widened,watching in shock and horror as a star began to fall through the sky; a world was dying. Shortly after,a woman screamed.The scream died as well,and a Heart rose into the air.Many other people began to scream and ran about.The great Lusehk uv Crytufc was happening;the Legend was true.These shadows,commonly known as 'Heartless',were attacking everyone.Seeing the chaos,the girl,named Sada,frantically darted home to warn the family she had been adopted to.But they were not there;they had all gone to the Town Square to celebrate the Hekrd uv dra Cdyn. They were doomed. A window shattered,and soon the house was ablaze.Sada coughed from the smoke,and fainted from the heat.It seemed she had walked right into a trap.And when she woke up from her forced slumber,she found that somehow,she had survived.Not without a burn on her hand,though.She saw that everyone was gone.... She heard footsteps of someone.And a boy's voice.Her Heart seemed to take a faster beating and it warmed up.As if the voice familiar to it.She walked out of the ruins of her home,and looked around.She saw Sora,off in the distance.Sada just stared at him,wondering,why this boy reminded her so much of her childhood love.
Muahahahahaha... M3h pl4n 1s w0rk1ng....ph34r m3h!!! >:3 Pic of Gir I drew on Paint. GIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....I drew.-huggle- Took me...three...freakin...hours.... >>
I am so! -flail- Yus,I am teh l337 sp34k1ng ninjuh.ph34r m3h. ;3
-poke- I am Zippeh. How dare you not recognize me. >:3 Haha,j/k.j/k.J/K! XD
Haha,you're kind cute Samurai. ;3 Haha.I just now noticed your siggy in Magenta.Made me laugh. XD
Awesome! ;3 Alright,let's start! Sora,go ahead! Setting? Um...How about a new place?Like,in a town.But,it is empty now.Buildings are charred and/or burned down,and everyone is gone.Everyone,that is...except for one.(Sada.) :3
Aww,thank you! ^-^ Now I feel special.But I am ugly as sin. >>
Um,the girl in my drawn pic isn't Kairi.That is Sada (-pokes part where it says 'Sada <3// Sora'-) XDD She is my made-up. :3 And,OMGz,more pics! OMGz,it's Chewy!Santa's little Elf of DOOOOOOOOOOOOoMMM... Not my picture,but I liked it anyway.So HA!XD I drew this one meself. :3 Inside joke.Based on RolePlay I am doing with XSoraxKairiX and a couple other people. >> Another Sada/Sora pic I drew on Paint.If you are in my RP and/or you get this,Kudos to you. ;3 Kagami,Sada's "Evil" side.Like what Anti-Sora is to Sora,only Kagami can think and plan for herself. Alas,all I have for now. |3
Little picture I drew on Paint. >> Your beloved Zippeh. XD Ha,me again. Me with the best game ever in the HISTORY of Best Games Evah. XDD My puppy,Chewy. (All go 'Dawwwwwwwwwwwww....) Me with STRAIGHT hair. Muahah! >3 My Buddeh,Megenta (Genavieve) Tut,tut.That's all for now! -poof-
Yeah,but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Nexus is a made-up of yers that is a member of the Organization.Am I right? :p
No,it's okay.You can be Sora /and/ Roxas if you want. ^-^ lolz.Okay!
Not exactly...she was barely even in it.She just showed up in Day 4,Twilight Town, then disappeared until God- knows-When.Then just reappeared for not even 5 minutes,and then went *POOF*. Then got captured,and was very weak when doing it,too. >> If you ask me,she isn't exactly 'vital' to the game.I think Nomura just put her in there because she was in the original game,and didn't want her to just be completely forgotten.And why not for the last one? It would make a better disguise. ;3
-Have Kairi not even be IN the game. >3 -Include a Finding Nemo world. Buaha. >D -Actually /have/ Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom play their charries. >> -Put Jack the Monkey in Port Royal. >3 -A playable fight against Roxas -Sora is dressed as a Jack in the Box during the cutscene with the Present Caper Surprise in Christmas Town. >;3
She smiled as well,and opened her eyes part-way too.She stared into his eyes,still smiling.Meh.
Her finger's grasp on his shirt got tighter.And she returned the kiss yet again.
M'kays. XDD She never wanted it to stop,either.This was,honestly,the happiest she has been since her parents passed away.
OOC: Okies,we might wanna keep the limit to that. XD She felt his hand on the back of her head.Sada's arms moved so that her fingers were clinging to the front of his shirt.