I see dreams as something that your mind has longed for that you haven't known ever before.Take my dream from a couple nights ago: Our school turned out to be an organization that brainwashed the kids,and I was somehow able to get away.And as it turned out,most of the Student Council members were behind it.I grabbed one of the girl Member's neck,and threatened to kill her if they didn't let us go.I forget what happened after that.Weird,huh? O.o Well,yus.I think dreams are a way for your mind to unlock an imagination that you never knew you had. :3
She raised an eyebrow as he explained who he was.It seemed a little too....weird to her. "Um,nevermind then..." she said,and looked back at the photo she held in her hand.
OOC: I think I shall just post Riku in this for now just so this board doesn't go *POOF* Riku walked past the couplings.He saw that Sora was busy,and left.He laughed to himself.He walked away.....and never came back. OOC: Demmit,XSoraxKairiX,where are ya?! :<
Okay.I have read all your posts,and I have to say my turn in this debate.Reasons for being so-called 'obese': Temptation: As many have already said before me,the d*mn fast food restaurants have food that tastes really good.But keep in mind that many do not /just/ sell fatty foods.Carl's JR.,for example,had an option of a burger that replaced the bun with lettuce.I think that was in the Atkins craze.Blah. Heredity: Yes,some people are born with it and get it from other family members.Well you know why?God made them that way so that people can learn to love people for who they are,not for what they have or look like. Metabolism: Again,some people said this already: Some people have faster metabolisms than others.Like my friend,for example.She will eat and eat and eat and not gain anything.I blame her hyperness. >> But still,it is still a factor that some have more of than others.I think it might also be hereditery,but I'm not a doctor. >>
She blinked,having no idea who the heck this 'Nexus' guy was. "Excuse me.If you don't mind me asking...How'd you get here?And what are you doing here?" she asked.She thought that nobody knew about this place except for her and Sora...and they only just now recently found this out.
DUDE! That 'Author Unknown' video is mine! I can't believe it's getting mentioned!!! 8D -spazzes-
Okay,my dad /has/ fixed my computer sound!! .....for the most part.Still is a bit soft even when everything is turned up all the way. >> Anyway! I shall look at them now! And you entertain and/or amaze you while I do that...Here is one of my videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOeqLysrk8w
I thank ye for yer compliment,and I apologize for doing so.No more spam-tastic posts by me in here unless they are new pics of meh! Haha,sorries everyone. >3
She blinked,seeing someone,Nexus,appear out of nowhere. "Who-..." she began to say.
She ran in,after his signal.It suddenly grew very Dark after he shut the door.But then a Light came on.In the room there was a lot of stuff that seemed very familiar to her.Pictures,a few stuffed animals,and the like that would belong to a little girl. "This is...all my stuff..." she said,wondering what they were doing down here.She spotted a picture at her feet,and bent down to pick it up.It was kind of old,maybe nine years old.There were three kids in it,on an Island.One had white hair,and the other two had brown.One was a girl,and the other two were boys. "This is us..."
Haha. XDD OMGz,it's not gray! And a little blurry,cause I had to get it from YouTube.Cause,it wasn't saved on this computer. >>
Sada looked around them.The Shadows have come back. "B-But..." she stuttered,not wanting to leave him.Not again.She understood his concerns,however.And she hesitently ran off to find a safe spot.She did;it was right next to them.It was her burned house.For some reason,before the Shadows didn't go anywhere near this place.She wondered why.And then she found it: a trapdoor in the floor. "Sora! Over here!" she said,waving.She had already opened it.
She let go of hers,as well.Hesitant,at first.She stood up,and backed away a few steps for Sora to do his job.She watched as he sealed the Keyhole. 'The stories....they're all true...' she thought. "R....Right...." she replied,nodding once.
Although Sora probably couldn't see it,her smile had faded.Her eyes were half-way open again.Now that she had found him,she didn't want to let go. Sada didn't know Kairi,or how Sora felt about her. If she only knew. She would be so Heart-Broken...
Haha,thank you.I edited it on Windows Movie Maker. :3 But that was on my Daddeh's computer.Now that mine is fixed,I can go on the computer without my dad needing to use it.Hurray! But my sound isn't working,so I can't use Windows MM again for now. >>
She nodded as he explained what he remembered.A bright smile appeared on her face.She couldn't contain the excitement,and leaned forward and hugged him. "It has....But now I found you...and you found me....We're together again...." she said.That only left Riku now...
Lyke,whoa. Teh Zippy has been working on a few pics over the last couple of days.Here they are! Sigh.Cute couple,luff em. ^-^ Haha.If you get this,Kudos to you. :3 Not KH,but whatever.I lied. >;3 Muahahahahahaaha.... xD Little Sprite Comic I did last night.Yus,Sora's a dork...but he's MY dork. All for now.Keep checkin in! And commeeeeeeeeennttttt!!! ^.~
HEEEEEEEEEEY welcome mon. ^_~
Wow,DarkAndriod....You're pretty cute! 0.~ But demmit,you're 17. >> My Gray Pic.....again. >>
Haha. Thanks. And I can tell the different between a n00b and a newbie. XD