Someone who cannot think of what they think of when they see the other person's username...
XDD Haha,okay. Not sure XSoraxKairiX would like that,though...oh,well! I can have two hubbies,right? :D
........Har har. XP I remind myself of Roxas.That is where I got my whole JAN name in the first place.I found a Roxas avvie,where he is watching the birds,and I made an avvie that says 'Maybe I'm...Just A Nobody...' And VIOLA! :D Now you remind me of burnt chicken. O.o
I sorry,is just that it reminds me of the very last battle in the first game...where teh Ansem is...shirtless.... >>; M'kays,then.Yer name now reminds me of a Shadow thingy. ;3
The_Darkness reminds me of Riku/ all his shirtless glory. x.o;;
wh00t,first person to post! -dance- Allo,Ryan! Name's not gonna be announced,so just call meh Zippeh. ;3 Welcome to KH-V!Please,post much,spam none. ;3
Haha,I luff that name. =D Anyway,yus! Zippy now has a Graphics Shop! Huzzah. She has recently downloaded GIMP,and almost mastered it.Well,she mainly messes around with it.Her latest work is: So,now if you want something like that from teh Zippeh,just ask and post here! She will make it and get it to ya A-Sap. :3 Information I need: Username: Nough said Picture: Who or What you want What: Banner,Icon,Siggy? Color: What color you want the background to be Text: What text you want on it. Any questions,and I'll inform you. ;3
Haha,Ditto.I only play Halo 2 for XBox Live.Though lately have only been on the computer.Hardly any TV... XDD Anyway,mine is Conan Rulz247 And any comments about Conan O'Brian,and I shoot you. >>
Thanks,Falco! With the help for siggy making I got from there,I was able to create my own! 8D Behold! My second ever.The render was a little choppy,so I had to smudge and airbrush some of it. >>; Simple,but pretty cool.Perhaps my best so far... XD
I see someone that likes a certain dude with a certain eyepatch of certain DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Haha,okay.Thanks for teh advice.I guess my hubby will be XSoraxKairiX,maybe......maybe....
lolz,Funny,Darsem. Okay,I'll try this.Who wants to marry teh Zippeh? x3
SOrreh,had to eat dinner. >>; She stared back into his,before closing them for a few seconds as he kissed her neck and shoulder again.This time it was a bit different than the last two.And because of that,she could get an idea on what was on his mind.I think.... But she didn't care.Not one bit...
Oh...Haha,thought so. Bad Sora. XDD Her eyes opened all the way,and looked at her luff.She noted teh blushing,and tilted her head in curiousity. "What's up?" she asked,wondering why his face was red.
Random Question: Seductively= what it mean? XD -is******o- She chuckled a little as well,and opened her eyes some. "Yeah..." she replied.Placing a hand on his cheek.
She giggled a little,being hit with yet another noodle.She slowly closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side a little,giving Sora a better angle.Haha.
She laughed a little,being hit in the cheek with a noodle.She took it off and threw it back.It landed right in his hair.She grinned.
She,too,ate quietly and politely.Watching him eat.She giggled a little,seeing noodles on his cheek.
She smiled as well as he held her hand,and followed him into the house.She sat down at the table beside him,and giggled at his little "Hadakimasu..." before eating herself.
Y'know that part in Deep Dive where Sora is flying over the ocean?yeah... I looked it up on Google.