OOC: yeah, its on the first post "Really?!" Mindy takes both the schedules and compares them herself. "That's weird. We've never had the same schedules before." She hands David'd schedule back to him. "Well, I guess having all the same cl***es as you will just make the year more enjoyable." She smiles at him, and then coolly looks away. Why did I just say that? I didn't mean it the way it came out.
Kairi wakes up and looks out her window. The weather is beautiful today. I should go and hang out with the others. It sounds nice being able to think that again... She gets dressed and goes outside. She stops for a moment to admire nature. I feel great. Kairi starts to head down the street, toward her friends' houses.
Mindy looks at her schedule. "Says here I have advisory then Science for my first period. Do you?"
OOC: the thing says shes offline but she really isnt. shes "invisible." *jealous of ruf* (not really)
OOC: AH! WHA? stop sneaking up on people, ruf! (you dont mind me calling ruf all the time, do ya ruf? :p )
"Its ok. I could've just as easily picked up the phone." How can I stay mad at him? "So, you ready for one more fun-filled year of highschool?" Mindy says a little sarcastically as she shuts her locker and leans against it. OOC: its great when you know what people are thinking :p
"you know, around." you didnt even bother calling me to hang out or anything. "how about you? go anywhere fun?"
OOC: k Mindy looks over at David. "Hey, what's up?" Why does he have to yell? its so embara.ssing.
yeah, that was hilarious! i like the annual christmas specials too. like rudolph the red nosed reindeer (claymation/computer animation style)
(im gonna be a senior if no one minds) Mindy pulls up into the school parking lot, in her usual spot. one more year...thank goodness. She gets out and makes her way into the building. people are still busy catching up from the summer break. Mindy heads to her given locker and starts getting her books.
yes! i love when jack frost was yelling or whatever then he started sounding like a car shifting gears.
welcome, kima hearts! post lots! spam lots! (i mean...dont spam :D ) and make sure you got the rules down. dont know anything bout downloading but im sure someone will help.
quote: im a hound dog!
yes. it was pretty good. i like martin short and the movies hes been in. (tim alan is awesome, of course)
its a wonderful life (oldie but goodie) christmas story havent watched national lampoon's christmas vac in awhile but i still love it
either herc or meg from hercules (they both say it) quote: (super easy!) Bambi! Bambi?!
yay! *does the most awesomest wedding march ever*
pinocchio! quote: whoa! is my hair out?!
OOC: i can see your footprints in the snow, ruf! *throws snowball at her* (btw, theres snow outside here, probably not in texas though, right?)
OOC: rufus, youre so sneaky. now it says youre offline. teach me your magic! lol :p