you also forgot: it has told us the way. (im on a roll) it didnt say anything! *on bridge* is anyone else getting like covered in splinters? seriously, guys. we shouldnt be on this thing.
Mindy looks back at him and wants to melt because of his sweet face. But instead she says with a slight smile and sarcasm, "I didn't say anything about your face." OOC: remember where you got kicked in the throw objects thread... :D
(i jes noticed, you put plurocleiodon when its actually leopluradon. ha! i got to correct you! ;P) *looks at both with an angry face*
"Be careful, cuz that means a lot of beatings I'll have to make up for too." Mindy says trying to ignore the pest.
you guys do know theres no such thing as candy mountain, right? (no! you get the fun parts!)
*sighs* He's not gonna stop this is he? She kinda smiles to herself though. "You're annoying, y'know?" Mindy says without looking back. OOC: it does, doesnt it. lol
no. i derived it from "silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!"
"So am I." turns around and lays head down again. Silly David. OOC: please stop jumping on me. we should continue this on cows moo.
theres one risque part i dont like in there but the rest is golden. i wonder if anyone knows where i got that funny monkey bit in my first post. hmmmmmmm.............
OOC: just gonna go back to sleep. *squeals with giddyness* (great clip) Turns around and gives David the evil eye. "Funny guy, huh?" *wads up a piece of paper and throws it at him*
hehe. didnt think you did. youre missing out! Ok, think of it this way. most people use 10% of their brains. you use 1 and a half %. ...I just killed Bambi... Dude. That...was...awesome! Sorry about your car though.
"Yeah..." In charge, yeah right! I'm glad he's all confident. Lays her arms on her desk and her head on her arms. OOC: oh no, alone with David. if i disappear, everyone will know why. :p
"Good for you, David." she says with sarcasm (again). They get in the room and sit down, waiting to see if theyre expected to do anything. OOC: Pats gone! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(dont ask me why i keep this alive) Tommy Boy!- Fat guy in a little coat. Fat guy in a little coat. Richard, whats happening?! Brothers don't shake, brothers gotta hug!
"I took Calc junior year and p***ed with flying colors." Smiles to herself, kinda gloating. Wait, then how did we end up in the same clas.s this year?
"Its to the right. Second door down. It was my math cl*** one year." Mindy heads in that direction.
OOC: good friends, got it. "Mmm k," starts walking up the stairs again. I don't remember the stairs being forever before.
OOC: i was wondering the same thing. i know were playing with the romance twist, but a history? idk... Mindy stops on the stairs (lotsa stairs :p ) "I've never skipped a cl*** before. But i don't think theyre taking attendance in advisory..." Wonders if she should skip.
"Its suppose to help you with other school stuff and cl***es. Its mainly for freshies and absolutely pointless for seniors like us." Almost there.
Mindy stops for the slightest second at David's comment, but keeps walking up stairs. Is he talking about our ice cream date? It isn't a date. Is it...? She shrugs off the thought. "Yeah, school is so boring." Nice save. "Advisory Pat. Then science."