OOC: no we never slapped our heads. hafta try that though. i would be one of those slap-ins myself. it is so fun! i wanna play for real now. :( "We'll see. Ladies first." She lays down a 7. OOC: this is gonna be interesting.
(poooooooooooooooop, yeah i said it!) this is the song that never ends! yes it goes on and on my friend! some people started singing it, not knowing what it was! and we'll continue singing it forever just because...
OOC: idk. sometimes we'd play where if you slap on doubles, you get it. if you slap on sandwiches (2, 5, 2), you get it. and if you slap on jack 10, you get it. like that? we also ended up making a rule that no one was allowed to wear rings. :p "I'm not surprised, since you're the one that said it." Mindy grins at David and waits to play.
(true, true) this is the song that never ends! yes it goes on and on my friend! some people started singing it, not knowing what it was! and we'll continue singing it forever just because...
"Are you kidding me?! I gave that game the name, Slaps. I'm a pro you know." OOC: really, i am. or at least was.
(as long as we stay awake) this is the song that never ends! yes it goes on and on my friend! some people started singing it, not knowing what it was! and we'll continue singing it forever just because...
"BS! Nah, just kidding. What kind of card games?" Mindy turns her desk around, figuring the teacher isn't gonna show.
(hey! you just copied and pasted, didnt you? i did too. :D ) this is the song that never ends! yes it goes on and on my friend! some people started singing it, not knowing what it was! and we'll continue singing it forever just because...
OOC: awwww....so cute! and im not one for sappiness *giggles* "We should do something. Play a game. Like see who can draw the funniest picture or something." Yay! He laughed. I'm more relieved. but why the sigh?
this is the song that never ends! yes it goes on and on my friend! some people started singing it, not knowing what it was! and we'll continue singing it forever just because...
OOC: *raises eyebrow* a chance at what? lol At least he's actually smiling like he means it. She realizes she has been staring at him and looks away. "So....advisory's fun, huh?"
wha? goodbye? *door closes cave mouth* whats going on? *shuffling heard* who is that? *struggling* hey, what're doing?! *wakes up in meadow* wha? huh? aw! they stole my [flippin] kidney! End (nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( )
"Right." Nice going, Mindy. Now David's depressed. Turns around to see if the teacher is around. We should've skipped...
no, i think ill just wait out here. *Song* Oh, when you're down and looking for some cheering up, Then just head right on up to the Candy Mountain Cave. When you get inside you'll find yourself a cheery land! Such a happy and joy-filled and perky-mary land. They've got lollipops and gummy-drops and candy things Oh so many things that will brighten up your day. It's impossible to wear a frown in Candy Town, It's the mecca of love, the Candy Cave! They've got jelly-beans and coconuts with little hats, Candy rats, chocolate bats, it's a wonderland of sweets, By the candy train to town and hear the candy band! Candy Bells! It's a treat, as they march across the land. Cherry ribbons stream across the sky and into the ground turn around, it astounds it's a dancing candy tree! And the Candy Cane's imagination runs so free So now Charlie please will you go into the cave? ALRIGHT! i go inside the [flippin] cave.
"Hey, its the first day of school. Of course we're going to be a little depressed." she turns around and smiles, trying to cheer David up again despite what she feels. I just hope we'll be...
well, what'd'ya know. there really is a candy mountain.
Mindy turns around, leans back in her chair and puts her hands behind her head. "Probably because high school is so stupid." she's trying to avoid David's eyes and maybe a deeper reason for their kinda failing friendship. That was stupid to say.
(i accidently skipped your "its a bridge of hope and wonder" part, oh well) *looks angry again* im right here! what do ya want?!
*blows on Davids hair just to mess with him* She stops and thinks about his question. Why have we been distant lately? "I don't know really...I guess...that just happens to people sometimes. I hope we still hang out with each other after graduation. It would be too sad if our friendship fell completely apart..."
Mindy raises her eyebrow. "Do I?" then she can't help but laugh. "You're not worth it anyway, David." she wants to turn around but knows David will blow on her hair again. What now?