Cloud finishes his cigarette and stamps it out. he sees all the couples "blossoming". what the crap is wrong with these people?
OOC: twi, how do we know youre not the girl in your pic and the boy is youre bf (who you say is your gf)? nah, im gonna stop being a jerk now.
*runs outside, makes biggest snowball ever!, runs back, throws snowball and it hits everyone* yay, for snow!
OOC: i believe you twi. jes giving you a hard time. but a picture would be nice...if its really your picture... :D
OOC: twi, are you sure youre a guy? cuz i think me and Kaira still have our doubts. LOL. :p :D
i talk (a lot around "friends"), jes no one listens. and ive never cared for the popular mindset. a lot of people know me and i know a lot of people. so that makes me popular, right? :D jk
my friend drinks like a million energy drinks a day. hes gonna die of a heart attack before even turning 18. :p anyway, i feel left out A LOT! (talking in life, not on khvids). everyone knows im quiet. but it jes ticks me when people push me around. like, the teens at our church always stand around in a circle when we talk, its become natural (though we did tried a square once, but thats beside the point). ill be saying something and someone else will cut me off like i wasnt even talking. or someone will stand right in front of me in the circle like i dont exist (usually someone i reeeeeelly dont like). im too nice to say anything and i know ill look like a fool if i tried getting people to notice me. i can honestly say i dont have a single true friend to hang with. :( :( :( its sad, i know. but i feel better getting it off my chest. enough sadness, im gonna be happy now. :D
thanks hk! *hugs back* mind if i use this? (asking about teddy) *shoves teddy down nra's throat*
oh! as if being possessed by twi wasnt torture enough. *grabs a brick and throws it at hk*
*comes outta nowhere and throws brains at nra* that should keep ya busy
LOL! Kaira, youre awesome. poor twi doesnt stand a chance.
*shoots laser beams from eyes at twi* yes they work on ghosts
*calls ghostbusters and they capture you*
you cant come back to life like me! ok, i really need to pull away from computer. but its so addicting! and thanks Kaira. :D
dont know if you noticed, twi, but youre such a ladies man. im telling your gf! XDDD
*kills too even though she hasnt come to* im talented like that
actually i meant van, hk. but hey anyway! (i feel so loved *snickers*) thats why i passed out.
youre alive! *also gets hit by something random and passes out, face first on ground* hello, by the way. i go by rena.
oh! then i support any foreign language you can throw at him. XPPP
oops, i think we killed the new guy.