"wait dad its me!"orsa shouted from marluxias body "wait how can you be me?"marluxia protested "she took her i think sora said her name was larxene larxene took Rosa!"namine shouted rosa summoned her keyblade "ok you have 10 seconds to tell me whats going on"rosa said "nice keyblade i think that will come in hand one we SWAP"larxene said and next second she was in rosa's body then she made a portal and jumped through rosa followed then saw sora looking from marly to orsa sora looked at larxene and rosa "WHO IS WHO"he screamed
namine let herself drop to the ground "she took her"namine managed to say "she took her"namine said again and kept repeating it she was to shocked and upset to say anything else she was trying to say who took who but couldn't
"wait a second look behind that rose bush there i see that pink haired freak and orsa land the gummi I''m going in" sora said and jumped out of the the door and landed behind the rose bush "give me back my son"sora said "wait dad i can do this"marluxia (as orsa) said summoning a key blade with rose thorns covering it "look a good key blade isn't good enough especially against the organization we can work together"sora said and slashed his key blade at orsa (as marluxia) larxene appeared next to Rosa "hello pretty" larxene said grabbing Rosa and opened a portal naminé rounded a corner and spotted larxene "hey b**** stay away from my daughter"naminé shouted larxene shoved Rosa through the portal and jumped in after her
"yeah you do that leon looks like he's a bit angry with you"sam called she had been watching what was happening through the window and was very tempted to jump through and break clouds sword just for something to do suddenly marluxia appeared behind orsa and pushed him into a portal "ah sora so we meet again its been what 15 years since you were in castle oblivion i lost count but anyway your son is now our hostage by xemnas' orders goodbye"and with that marluxia walked through the portal "what do you want?"orsa asked nervously "well I'm surprised it isn't your heart but what i really want is your body and i can still control my voice when you take my body now its time to SWAP"marluxia shouted and next second he was in Orsa's body "now our plan is your dad comes obliterates you and takes me home the sam thing should happen to your sister and then ross and his sister"marluxia said making a portal and appeared behind a rose bush in wonderland
ooc thats ok sorry i haven't been online for a while my mothers changing her internet and that is my only source of this site i'm staying at my nannys right now though and i go home tommorrow bic "so did you enjoy the ride?" sam asked
ooc: ok i might take a while to post in a minute i feel like i'm squinting all the time i have conjunctivitus bic: "then off we go"sam said flying out the door and took the exact rout she had said over the house then back down then landed in the park all in 15 seconds
"ok grab onto my back"sam said
orsa snuck up behind roxas and took the diary carefully from his pocket and put it in his own pocket then pretended he actually was going for it
"you can use that to blackmail her for the rest of her life as long as roxas doesn't spoil it"sora said "yeah that would be a real SHAME"orsa said
"i know hey do you want a ride we could fly out side right over the house then back down then we land in the park hows that sound?"sam asked
"look i have a plan dad don't shout but i snuck into roxas' house last ight and stole ross' sisters diary now ross call her and tellher you have her diary and prove it by reading a page"orsa said holding out the diary
"yeah we were born to fly thats why our mother had losts of trouble when were still at hospital she has pictures we didn't know how to control our selves and we got stuck on the ceiling"amy said
"hurry up and call her up and bribe her out of it do all her chores for a year give her all your money do something!"orsa said
"yeah well me and MY dad should be safe as long as my sister doesn't blab but i think she's desperate for a hair colouring"orsa said ooc:i'm sorry if i take forever to post i've got conjunctivitus and my computers really bright and light goes all blurry when i look at it so i'm squintring really hard at my screen
"we have been ale to fly our whole lives but it means we could even carry 1000,000 tons if we wanted the weight just vanishes we could probably give you a ride if you want"sam said
this is based 7 years after sora defeated xemnas and sora and kairi had a little girl and named her sam but they found that she could attract alot of unwanted attention being princess of hearts and keyblade bearer so they go to halloween town we dr finklestein gives sora and kairi a machine to freeze people and a a sleeping potion that lasts forever in case the machine broke down but the potion was a prototype after a year nothing happened with the potion or the machine so sora and kairi risked leaving the child inside the house alone the organization came and melted the ice and gave sam some enchanted fruits to wake her up she woke up and asked who the organization were they just said fthey were friends and they portalled away sam wandered outside and everything just seemed beautiful sam ran outside and danced around but the organizations plan to kidnap little sam had only just begun oc's name: age: gender: weapon(if they have one): power(thunder, blizzard' fire, stop ect. ect.): appearence: other?: name: sam age: 5 gender: female weapon(if they have one): keyblade power/magic(thunder, blizzard' fire, stop ect. ect.): she hasn't learned any yet appearence: other?:none characters:
"ross you are so stupid what did you call your sister for? your gonna die i'm gonna die we're all gonna be killed by our own mother except in dads case by his own wife"orsa said then seeing wonder land "not that wonderfull is it?"orsa asked "look its shrouded in shadows and white because they are the enemy the reason we came here soon it'll be nice pretty hedges again just for you two babys"sora said grinning "look i'll die in battle or live in battle but i'm not gonna sit back and be bored until we get home"orsa said then his phone rang thenumber was withheld he answered anyway "hello?" "ok you little brat i'm bored now you can come and bug me"rosa said "hey sis and no i cant bug you i'm with dad"orsa said "you are in sooooo much trouble as soon as i get home i'm telling mom"rosa said "fine i tell you what with my pocket money if you don't tell i'll buy you some hair die whatever colour you like"orsa said "ok get me some pink hairdie and you might live when you get home see you later"rosa said
"yeah and maybe we can even give them some baby toys too"sora said
"maybe we could get alice to BABY sit the kids"sora said grinning even more "i'm not a baby"orsa shouted summoning his keyblade the kingdom key sora laughed and summoned oblivion and the ultima keyblade "so its a fight you want?"sora asked "um no thanks dad"orsa said
"yeah well seeing we'e going to wonder land we'd better stay away from the queen with these twoor it'll be OFF WITH THEIR HEADS"sora said laughing "really what do you rekon he'd trade for it i'd be happy to swap this for my brother"rosa said "i'm only joking lets find your dad and give it back"