yes besides the untidiness there is no point its not random its not anything its just square brackets and bsides random is more saying that i like radioactive Llama pie with smelly socks and crocodiles tongues mmmmmmmmmmmm
could you make me a sig please Render:????? Any Specific Colors: um dark purple please? Text:naminestwinsister Anything else:could you use this picture please
ooc the jelly fish thing is actually called the skipizoa two kankrelats appeared behind the skipizoa and started shooting lasers at demyx
hi all the life and soul of the party is here! unfortunately there is no party until the 8th of febuary at least because its gonna be my birthday woowhoo
oh for crying out loud everytime i try to post on this family i have to go offline anyway hi all
namine logged on and posted some drawings in the art forum
sam had been so busy looking at her tail she didn't realize her sharp teeth she finally realized when she pricked her finger with it "i am so lost"she said and wandered throught the mountains looking for a sign of civilization nothing she saw rock just pointing outwards she stepped towards it and at the end she realized she was right next to the ocean she looked left and right nobody there suddenly the rock started ti crumble away she tried to run but tripped over and fell into the sea or maybe the sand she landed in a beach she tried to jump back up to the mountains but there was no way back up she wandered int a cave and emerged next to a mountain she was back then she saw a cliff with some black dots on top probably people she climbed up the cliff "hi" she said being careful not to show her sharp fox's teeth
"so take it or leave it"marluxia said "ah-ha i found resent its first meaning is to have a grudge the meaning i meant was to take something badly"orsa said "oh yeah well i resent having a nerd for a brother"rosa declared "actually i'm a geek"orsa said grinning
"for crying out loud i'm in his yes HIS body!"marluxia shouted getting a bit annoyed "i'm not happy being a mere child" "hey i resent that whatever resent means"orsa shouted grabbing a dictionary ooc: brb gonna get my dictionary
marluxia rolled his eyes"just to keep to the plan would you rather take orsa's body?"he asked in a bored voice
"well kairi it looks li9ke roxas may not be calling you hot for a while eh aybe he'll just say your cool"orsa joked he was hving tons of fun with all these swaps
can i namine please username: sweet_and_silent
"anyway lets just fight them so that-"orsa started "um hello thicko they are in our bodys if our bodys are in bad condition when we get back inside them we may not live to tell the taleright mom?"rosa said and turned around to see her mother and xaldin her mom in xaldins body screamed "eeeeeeeeewwww i'm hideous whats up with this hairdo i demand an answer"she shouted with her 13 swords floating around her "heheheheeHAHAHHAHHAAAAAAA you would dare to destroy your own body FOOL!"xaldin shouted
orsa laughed at kara "hey you'd better watch it flower boy!"rosashouted then grinned at kara orsa blushed "oh yeah what are you gonna do make toast?!"orsa shouted back "why you little..."rosa said through gritted teeth then muttered the words "you die later"
"yeah its pretty obvios now but we just have make sora beleive it HEY SORA THIS REALLY IS ROSA!"namine shouted "really?"sora asked running over looked at rosa nodded then ran back and pushed larxene over "hey orsa, kara, ross get over here!"rosa shouted suddenly the bodys of axel, demyx and marluxia ran forward "what do you want rosa?" orsa asked "look mum kairi we're all here the fakes are tricking our dads right this minute especially my dad"rosa added
sora's back on the islands but he has a problem he isn't just in love with kairi but with namine too and namine is in love with roxas and sora and kairi is in love with sora and riku and tidus and wakka are in love with selpie but the thing is nobody had admitted it sora tryed to tell namine in private but noticed riku spying on them so he couldn't tell namine anything taken characters roxas: namine:naminestwinsister sora: kairi: riku: tidus: selphie: wakka:
"huh the darkness?" orsa thought for a moment "tell me little more about what your dad said and don't think i'm just some guy in a cloak either i'm not well right now i am but my body got swapped but anyway mydad might know who this darkness i right now he's in a war against darkness"orsa said "look kairi i swear its really me how can i prove it i know look at lraxenes keyblade its just yellow"rosa said and summoned a kunai "look a glowing green aura that even burns stuff" "hey she's right but whats the joke you always make to orsa if your really rosa?"kairi demanded "well actually i tell him he's toast summon my keyblade and slice bread which makes toast mmmmm yummy toast"rosa said
sam kept on walking through the hills maybe i'm not the only one who has a tail maybe other people have tails too maybe i can find those people sam thought then suddenly realized she was about to take a step off a mountain her tail quickly grabbed a rock she pulled herself back up "nothing wrong with a tail!"she shouted in hope that maybe more people with tails would hear her probably not somehowshe had walked into a group of mountains she had no idea where she was
sam jumped of the swing and satarted to walk out of the park then saw a car with people in it pointing at sam and laughing at her people from her school she walked over kicked the car then ran to a different street one that lead to lots of hills she ran to the hills and out of the corner of her eye she spotted a tailess fox run away what was that all about? she thought