Oeh, interesting! What are you going to do?
LOL, I don't even watch SpongeBob.. . anyway, that means its 'nother pair of pants I need to throw away...
Haha, okay, and, hows school? (or do you have vacation already?
I got stuck between the desk and the chair while trying to get up, how lame is that? Now there's a big hole in it...
Hello there! How are you today?
The Lego is always with me, how was your trip?
And then i didn't go online for a few days, bad me...
So, haha, I made a site, but this computer hates it...And it's not even finished yet...
Doing fine, I'm a bit tired though, but I'll have vacation within two weeks...
Haha, okay, Ill send you in a PM, okay, or can I also do that this way?
Haha, yeah, I'm always lucky >3<
And I'm going, see you later!
Now you can tell them you know, haha! Anyway, I need to go, byebye!
Haha, tadaa! We've learned something new today!
Yeah, and Lego is a combination, of Leg Godt, which means play well
I lied...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego Lego is a combination of words...
and then I joked again, the guy was called Lego, its on Wikipedia...
Yeah, online forums are amazing, XP
Ahhh, no, I was joking...
Ok, dunno If I'll see you again todat, but see you later!