Uh-oh, seriously, they call that a flashlight relation in my country, XP. And yes, I do think my mind made up some of those Anime confessions. But anyhow, I only confessed once to a boy, and that went wrong, so...
I hold their preys as a pet...(Rats), but I always loved rats and ferrets because you can take them with you to shopping malls and stuff..
Uhm, I would confess to him if I were you. Not only because you need to, but also because you would feel better if you did that. (I know about it, really) As for Tanya, I would ignore her, her life with Patrick is over, she has to stop dreaming and needs to start living in reallity. If you need help with confessing, I might know some ways, haha
Me neither, I must tread my body well, XP
Ah, if you like really weird stuff, yes. I must say that, although it freaked me out from time to time, it is actually pretty cool. If youre...
@Aqua101, one of those things is called fainting...
Sort of, haha, it's an anime, but I can't get it outta my head...Especially a song...
Hey if you need something, we are always there! Welcome on the forums! BTW, I love to get new friends, so you can add me if you want to!
Aha, yes it is, although my house almost looks like a farm! But I like it that way, haha, as long as the animals are soft and cuddly
Oi, do you know Madoka? (just a question, XP)
Haha, she's not a pup that's whats so awesome bout her, she's 3 years, but she has a really sad story, that's why I want her so badly...
@Aqua101; Yeah, I know it sounds strange, and I don't understand it either, maybe he shouldn't stay in bed for such a long time...(he stays in bed untill 12 am, if he can) And BTw, this is her, she's called Marina
Well, we were mad about it, but decided we'll wait with the dog. I think it is a good dicision, because now he has the chance to say something, but if it's just stupid, and he can't tell us what;s wrong, we will take the dog. I din't want to lose someone because something that stupid, but if this works. Shame though, we bought everything for her, and I am feeling really bad about this. BTW, As an answer to you all, today he told my mum he feels left out, so that could be the main problem.
Haha, well good luck with the exams!
So, this sounds really stupid, but my mom bought a new dog, without telling my father. We were really exited about it, and yesterday we told him about it. And he got really mad! He said that if there will be a new dog, he will leave us. My mom doesn't care to much, and my brother and sister are really mad at my dad, but I'm rally afraid he will leave us... I don't want to be at home anymore, and i didn't tell any of my classmates. Today we are going to pick the dog up, but I don't know if I still want to go...
Nope, I'm talking about balbasaur. (forgot how the thing was named)
I'm doing okay, haha, but I'm really bored...
Awesome! Let's chat again when your back!
Hot moca choc! Jum, or coffee with caramel flavour...
Offtopic, why is there a page 5 put not a page 5? okay, haha, silly, I just made a page five, I hate my computer