Don't worry. Neku is old. :X *gets shot*
Pics or it never happened.
I think it's 7 lines max now? Remember HTML/BBC coding counts towards this limit. Either remove something, or try to make it shorter. There's no way around it. x_x;;
[insert argument to have premium color changed again here]
It seems like there's WAAYY too much going on in that sig. It just looks like a mess too be honest. Try taking off some of the effects, and bringing the focus back on Roxas.
The only reason that Sora's keyblade was special, was because you followed the story through Sora's eyes, since he was the main character. To a random stranger, all of the Keyblades would seem equally special.
"Got it." Xegreny said. Aiming carefully, he shot a blast through one of the bug men, and into the hive. If that wasn't enough, the dead bug man fell right on to the hive, crushing it. "Next!" Xegreny said, turning his attention back to the remaining enemies.
To clear Atlantica, you have to do all the songs twice, with a certain score. Check the Journal, it should be in there. I forget where the Orichalum+'s are. Somebody else will post it soon, I'm sure. (Is too lazy to grab the KHII strategy guide.)
I think Maleficent helped Sora only because she felt that Org. XIII was not only a bigger threat than Sora, but a bigger threat then her, and we can't have anyone stealing her spotlight, can we?
Uhh, never really noticed this. I don't think it's sunset ALL the time, just that the cut scenes that show the sky all take place during sunset/sunrise. This is probably to reinforce the whole "Twilight" theme.
Welcome to the site! Be sure to read the rules and all that jazz. PM me if you need any help. :X
Ehh, I don't like those two lines on his face. Unless that's part of the stock. I also don't like those corners. D: Besides that, great sig. :X
Yeah. SPOILER. Ed could have died. Again.END SPOILER.
The FMA movie. SPOILER. Ed and Al get stuck on the other side of the gate, with no way to get home. They also realize that they HAVE to get involved in WWII because of the Amestrian weaponry that had been brought over. Plus, Central City is in ruins, Leor is nearly destroyed in the middle. (But repaired thanks to Armstrong's alchemy.)END SPOILER.
"Uh, you do it. Kinda busy." Xegreny said, as he continued to mow down the bug-people. It was hard for his blasts to break through the exoskeletons and they weren't killing them in one hit anymore. "Oh forget it." Xeg said later, hitting the bug men with a chain reaction blast, knocking them all down, and crushing the hive that Xane had found. The bug-men growled and got back to their feet, enraged by the loss of another hive.
Xegreny was fortunately able to lessen the wave of attacks with the addition of Nulix's bullets. "I dont know. But they don't want us here that's for sure."
I want a magic bicycle bell. ;_;
A friend of yours on the internet plans to send you Death Note stuff for your birthday. Seriously, my friend is gonna send me figurines. It's creepy. :X
"Hmm. Xane, got any ideas to where the other hives might be? I can't do this forever." Xegreny said keeping the bug men at bay with a constant stream of blasts, mowing each one down as he appeared. Unfortunately, to put out that kind of energy all at once was pretty tiring for Xeg.