Have a wizard turn you into a Mudkip and use water gun. Ohshi- your level one. Sorry!
Get a bandaid! They heal everything. EVERYTHING.
Xegreny finally caught up with the others. He'd been confused by the explosion and had gone the wrong way. Seeing the chain man, he skidded to a stop. "Oxyrt!? I thought he was dead!" "Enigma!" Xegreny barked, "Is he part of the Brotherhood? Tell us what to do!" Xeg wasn't in the best of moods. Enigma wanted them to fuse back with their Heartless' and True Selves. That could be... disastrous. He had absolutely NOOOOO idea what kind of mayhem his Heartless could cause, or was causing. He, his Heartless, and his True Self all shared the same Energy production abilities due to being the same person. His True Self was probably unaware of his abilities, or his past, but his Heartless could power some horrible weapon, or start a war, or.. or... the situations were endless. With a basically unlimited engine, who knows what could happen in the wrong hands. They needed to get rid of this guy, and handle this new situation. Xegreny, back in the beginning, had thought that his Heartless wouldn't be much of a threat. When he first joined, so long ago, neither was he. But, seeing the growth he had undertaken, and the growth he was apparently capable of, well.. it was bad. Pure Energy is unlike most other energies. It's like an adapter. It flows and changes to the situation, charging anything. Or anyone. OOC: Plot line forming.... >:
That's because you've set him to. Donald only cures me when I'm low on HP. D: I'd pick Goofy. His shield could deflect most of Donald's magic. I mean, he blocked Riku's Dark Fiagra, sooooo.....
Spam Zone (I'M CREATIVE DAMNIT.) RP Arena Only two sections I frequently post in. The RP section of the site is way outta hand. :X (No rule breaking.. just... lots of not needed stuff. >_>)
OOC: More dramatic-ness? B| BIC: "Two of us put together?! You serious?" Xegreny spluttered. "We're going to have to find a way to draw them out individually, or try hit-and-run tactics. If they're that powerful, we wouldn't last long against all of them."
Ummmm, Xehanort had no power on his own (that we know of so far as fact). Are you talking about Xemnas or Xehanort's Heartless? o:
The mudkip has no legs or arms or gills. This is still good? Y/N
That makes me older than you. o: *shot&beaten*
An evil wizard has turned you into a mudkip. This is good? Y/N
Holy shiz I'm gonna be a sophmore this year. 0_0
"Well, do you know how many people are in the Brotherhood. We've been fighting them on and off for awhile now. We still don't know how many people are in the group exactly." Xegreny said next. Then he wondered why Nulix was so pessimistic all the time.
[insert code geass reference here]
OOC: Do it. BIC: "You read minds too? Cute." Xegreny muttered, munching on the food Enigma gave him. "What're we looking for anyway?"
Eh. Drive Forms are a way of KH2 saying, "Here! Go beat up EVERYTHING with little challenge! :B". I wouldn't really want them there. I like drive forms and all, but it removes some of the challenge. D: Besides. He needed the magic clothes from Yen Sid to use Drive Forms. >:
1. Neku 2. Sora 3. Gordan Freeman 4. GLaDOS 5. Link 6. Nathan Drake 7. Every single member of the Freakshow. (My speakers go up to 11!) 8. NEMESIS. IT'S ALL A NEMESIS PLOT. ALL OF IT. 9. Sly Cooper 10. Lara Croft
OOC: TWEWY + FMA's Fake Portal of Truth = Oxyrt's prison? :X Seriously. Entry Fee? His powers. Mind Trap? Fake Portal of Truth. ... *shot* P.S. Welcome Back! 8D BIC: "So. Now that we've gotten this far, what exactly are we looking for? We better hurry. Azull's probably telling the other Brotherhood members that we're here, now." Xegreny said, looking around quickly. There didn't seem to be anything interesting in the cave, but Xeg didn't exactly know what they were looking for. He was worried about this Enigma guy though. He seemed like he knew a lot about the area and Brotherhood far before they arrived. Infact, Xeg was a little worried that he might be a part of the Brotherhood. He'd just have to keep an eye on him for now. Striking him down probably wouldn't have gone over well with the others.
[insert funny picture here.] What? I dont know where you people are finding these things. >: