The easiest way I've found to beat Sephiroth, is to use Trinity Limit. Since Sora is on his own, he'll leap at Seph, and do a ton of damage. The second it ends, you can beat on him with Berserk. Once he breaks free, run away till your MP recovers. Rinse, repeat. Just keep running, and using Trinity Limit. Ethers, and Elixers are your friends, too. :X Final Form happens randomly. There's no way to make it happen. Same thing with King Mickey, you can't make him appear. He only appears when you die fighting bosses.
Madi's a girl. Just a hunch. X:
Or that, lol.
I have no idea what the future will be. I'm fairly certain that we'll have robots and the like though. Technology and Science can do more and more each day, it seems to be inevitable. However, there's definately a change coming. With the current crisis over oil and gas and the like, environmentalists are making some pretty strong points. Lots of people are encouraging everyone to lose weight if they need to, and all that. Being healthy is being promoted heavily. It seems like with all this positive influence, that eventually Global Warming and obesity and all that stuff will begin to be less of a problem. On the other hand, the exact opposite could happen. To be blunt, there's a lot of obese people in America. If I remember right, we have the most in the world. We could all just fall into a slump. All that positive influence I talked about earlier, well.. eventually.. if not enough people succeed, they'll give up. If they give up, and all this dieting craziness fails, then I think that we're in a bad way. My Aunt recently almost died because of a Heart Attack. This happened because her arteries were clogged with fat and cholesterol and all that stuff. I don't want to see that happen to people. It's a serious problem. Who knows? We'll find out soon enough, amirite?
o: I should make a video. lol. But what would I say? D:
I have no idea the pixel numbers, but the average size of paper is 7 inches by 11 inches. (I think.) I'm fairly confidant that GIMP has a ruler when you open something in it. Try expanding the image using that ruler till it looks right.
Xegreny yawned and sat up. He'd walked into the first available room, and fallen asleep. This place had nice beds. Sleepily walking into the tavern to get a bite to eat, he noticed Enigma, seemingly staring at nothing. "Something wrong?" He asked, stifling a yawn. With a shrug, he joined the others. EDIT: OOC: Ehh. Nobody's on. I'm gonna write more I guess. Xegreny had already asked for some food, and while he was waiting, he watched as people arrived. Some seemed to be inhabitants of this world, some seemed to be visitors for the tournament. Xegreny wondered what the others thought about joining the tournament. To him, it seemed like a horribly stupid idea. If Enigma was right about the Brotherhood's strength, they should be working on getting stronger, and overcoming their weaknesses. Not laughing and eating, while planning to fight them in a tournament. Xeg stifled another yawn and turned his eyes back to the entrance. Suddenly, all that drowsiness vanished. A person who looked exactly like him, down to the hairs on his head, just walked in the entrance. Diving out from the table and behind one of the many pillars, he creeped forward for a better look. Was it his Heartless? His True Self? Why was he here? *** The Heartless smiled as he looked around the tavern. He'd heard that there was going to be a Tournament. The Brotherhood was going to be in it too. But the best part was the presence he felt hiding behind a pillar near by. The presence of someone just like him. But that presence didn't have a Heart. It was his Nobody. The part of him that retained the body, but not the Heart. He'd heard of the exploits of his Nobody. Part of the Ultimate Organization. Not too shabby. The Heartless continued to act oblivious. Like he'd never noticed the presence of his other half (or is it third?) at all. He approached the nearest person who looked to be a servant. "Hello. I would like to participate in the tournament. Where should I go?" The heartless asked politely. "Right over there sir. You can't miss it. There's quite a line." The servant replied, directing him to the room nearby. "Thanks." The heartless said with a small bow. Quickly joining the line, he waited for a good half hour. At the front of the line, a bored looking worker was filling out paperwork. "Welcome to Olympia. Please fill out the paperwork here. We are not responsible for any damage caused by any participant." "Uhh.. yes." The Heartless said, as it quickly filled out the forms. It faltered when the form asked for a name. He'd never had a name before. He'd never needed one. He'd just gone by "Heartless". Thinking for a moment, he decisively wrote 'Adumbral' on the forms. That would be his name from now on. It suited him well. He was darkness. Adumbral meant shadow. Good fit, no? OOC: Good name? Y/N? :(
"Not poisoned. Alchohol. Your probably a sloppy drunk." Xegreny said.
o:! Amazin' update! How did they not tie if they got all perfects though? x_x (I don't know anything about DDR. >_>)
"Keep your head out of the gutter." Xegreny muttered. "Just don't drink or eat anything. We need to stay alert. Who knows what they've got in their food?"
"Well?" Xegreny said, lowering his voice so that Odin couldn't hear. "We could join, but what if the Brotherhood finds out we're here? You think they'd come after us?"
"Well, you obviously have a problem." Xegreny said, going on and on about the word lame. Eventually something serious would happen and he'd pay attention. Maybe.
"Um, okay. So anyway, what do you have against the word lame Xane? Some horrible childhood experience?" Xegreny said continuing on the lame subject as he entered the ship.
Fancy. Is it just a mash-together of skins/parts of other characters?
"Yeah. See? Lame is a perfectly fine word." Xegreny said, continuing to ignore Loki.
I can't beat Sho Miniamoto in Taboo Form. >: He warps around and dodges all of my attacks as Neku, so I focus on beating him up as Beat, but I do so little damage, and he can kill me in like 6 hits. D: Halp?
"What's wrong with the word lame?" Xegreny said, ignoring Loki completely. "Since when is lame like, uncool? Do words become uncool?"
>_> <_< Sorry, but I don't think anyone cares. o:
"Who's the annoying guy? We gonna beat him up?" Xegreny said yawning as he exited the ship. "Is he gonna play the God card? Eh. How lame."
"Hmm. Guess they updated." Xegreny said looking out the window.