Search Results

  1. Xegreny

    Kiss A**es

    That'd strike out like... half the people voting. XD

    Maybe you can't win the same category again? o:

    Like CTR can't win Best Member again, Xaldin (it was him, rite? o_o) can't win Worst Admin again (EVEN THOUGH IT'S TRUE.), etc, etc.
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Xegreny
    Oh, that's good. You didn't drink BUY ANYTHING LOW-PRICED AND SAVED A BUNDLE, DID YOU? >:|?
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. Xegreny

    Kiss A**es


    Sounds like a plan. XD
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Xegreny
    WalMart! - The more we lower our prices, the more we take over your soul MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER.

    Nice pics, but why did you have to carry your friend? o_o
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. Xegreny

    Kiss A**es

    Oh. My bad. :X

    No problem.


    I thought he and his amigos got all mad at each other, now I see they got all mad about the award.

    Eh. This is what happens when awards appear. People are immature at times. It's life.
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Xegreny

    Kiss A**es

    A dur.

    While this is totally true (srsly. CTR is amazing and all, but she already won. kthxbai.), me thinks that you guys might be over-reacting a liiiiitle too much about this. They're just awards. You don't even get anything.

    At least.. that's what I think you meant. It's late. >:

    And CTR only won once, this is the second time we've ever done it. <_>
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Xegreny

    Oh god...


    They're spreading.

    Thread by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Xegreny

    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Xegreny
    OOC: My internet's freakin' out. x_x

    BIC: Xegreny staggered backwards from the force of the sound barrier being smashed around him. He feebly parried, dodged, or deflected as many of the strikes as he could. When it was over, his arms were pretty badly cut. Wasting no time, Xeg leapt into the air and rained blasting destruction upon the arena. Using the added destruction on top of his 'rain' as a distraction, Xegreny used his momentum to bring his foot slamming down onto Oranos.
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xegreny
    That's correct. It's just that Ed tries to dissuade him, and he coughs up some blood, and there's this look of horror/shock on both of their faces. The only reason he was helping them was because he thought that if he made the rockets and all that shiz, he'd become famous and all that. He figured, 'to hell with it, I'm gonna die'. And then he saw how evil they were and was all, "lolnvrmind."
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Xegreny
    Xegreny dropped to the floor as fast as he could, but that wasn't quite fast enough. He had a small gash on his shoulder, from where he had ducked out of the spears path. "Ow," he muttered, "I guess you CAN scratch me."

    Rolling back to his feet, he figured it was his turn for some fancy effects. Snapping his fingers together, he used the momentary flash of light to his advantage. Quickly turning to the sky, he blasted several tons (like the weight) of energy into the sky. Then, he splintered it all apart into tiny bits that were about equivalent to a pound each.

    The tiny bits started to rain down from the sky. Individually, they would do little more than bother the god. But there were thousands upon thousand upon thousands of them. They would wear him down, even if Xegreny wasn't actively doing so. Plus, the 'rain cloud' covered most of the arena, so he couldn't escape.

    OOC: Seriously. This is supposed to slow him down, not beat him up.

    EDIT OOC: "# The Hyperion is featured in Final Fantasy VIII as Seifer Almasy's "Gunblade".
    # In Kingdom Hearts, one of the obtainable blueprints is for the Hyperion Gummi Ship."

    You so planned that.
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xegreny
    There was also: Wrath sacrificing himself, and puking blood everywhere., The Chairman woman (I believe her name was Ekhart, be wrong.) in general,and The fact that Alphonse Heidrich would walk around puke up blood, make engines, become evil, and then not evil in like, 20 minutes.

    Face it. The FMA movie was frreeeakkky.

    But it was sooooo awesome. >:
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Xegreny
    OOC: I typed out a whole awesome post. >:

    Oh well.

    BIC: "Yup!" Xeg said cheerily. He'd have to beat the living snot out of this guy, but maybe he could make friends at this tournament. Friends are good, friends equal allies. They needed more allies.

    "Aye aye!" Xegreny said, heading into the arena. Once his turn was up and he entered the field, and began to get ready for the fight. To his dismay however, the person he had challenged had decided to team up with two of his buddies. They all wore leather padding that defended most of their bodies. And of course, they were all ridiculously muscular and strong looking. Each man had a very sharp war axe in one hand, and a shield in the other. They confidently walked into the field. They figured that they could take the one, smaller man no problem.

    "You ready to lose, lad?" The local warriors growled at Xeg, brandishing their axes.

    "Oh believe you me. I don't plan on losing. I don't even think you'll scratch me, let alone defeat me." He said in a mocking tone.

    The lead warrior roared and wildly swung his axe at Xegreny. He easily hopped over the swing and with a kick, sent him flying backwards into his friends.

    The fight had begun.

    OOC: Fix'd.
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xegreny
    The FMA Movie.
    Alphonse brings Ed back, but lets the Germans invade in doing so. It causes a war, and you see a little girl get crushed by a boulder. Then the little teddy bear she was holding drops to the floor, covered in blood.

    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Xegreny
    Turning back to the board, Xeg added, "Yeah, I agree. Hopefully they'll arrogantly think that if they team up, they can destroy everyone. That way they'd have to fight against each other."
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xegreny
    Because most of the time, your writing something DOWN onto paper, and your typing something UP from paper/some other text.

    'Course this forum ruins that idea. D:
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Xegreny
    "Typical." Xeg muttered. Scanning the crowd, he picked out one contestant from the crowd. He seemed to be one of the locals. That's good. He didn't want to fight anyone TOO strong for his first fight. "Hey! You! I'm gonna fight you. Good luck!"

    OOC: Jaxed's back! Yay!
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xegreny
    "Ooh. That'd be bad." Xegreny said, deep in thought. "I guess I can go on my own for now. These guys don't look TOO tough. Besides, it's not like I'd die if I lost or anything."
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xegreny
    "Should we team up?" Xegreny asked the others. "Personally, I think we should do it simply because we can heal each other. Either way it seems like these guys are serious business. They want to pick off the weaklings as soon as possible."
    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xegreny
    Hopefully I'll get the award for "User who has less than 100 posts in over a year."

    Post by: Xegreny, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone