i brought a save point to the world of nothing and the game froze then i loaded the file and there is nothing to do in the world of nothing. can i escape this place or do i have to reset again?
i tried that same code in a non-battle area and he wouldn't even show at all.
i figured that was normal since way to the dawn is set up for riku, it even does the actions that riku does while fighting. i'm now going after xemnas with 3 soras. battle lvl deadly makes enemies from nearly every world invincible besides land of dragons and beast's castle or at least that's the ones i tried out. the only places i didn't go were space paranoids, disney castle, and the world that never was. but it didn't even seem to effect the heartless at beast's castle, they did normal damage but every other place i got murdered, in holloween town everything does one hit kills, or it would hav if i didn't have second chance.
i got way to the dawn working but man is it weird, half the time the keyblade vanishes randomly and it is hard to control.
yeah, but i dropped axel now and the enemies in land of dragons can die so i'm running around there. the thing that i find is weird is sora is killing heartless faster then normal and he seems stronger, my attack is only 83 and i haven't synthised that many power ups. i do have the ultima weapon but before it took longer to kill things it seemed like anyway. and now my team can actually damage enemies normally they do about 1 damage each hit at level 99, i sat back and watched riku and donald kill nobodies and it took them three times as long to kill something. oh i used that way to the dawn code and it froze i thought it was a bad code or something now i know better so i got to try that again. and leaving out bosses in my party would have been good too.
i tried that battle level deadly code and the enemies in hollow bastion are invincible, but the axel boss i was dragging around didn't do any damage on me whatsoever.
darn but at least it does look cool.
ok, that was the first time it happened though i never went into the final fight with the full party code. i've also never had a cheat device for ps2 till now.
that 4 keyblades looks cool but do they all attack or just two.
is there any way to drag final xemnas out of the last boss fight. i tried the modifier but he's invisible. also i had full part on and went into the battle and riku got replaced by donald and was removed from the cutscenes completely, it locked up on the first one. so i was thinking if riku isn't tied down to that area then maybe xemnas isn't either.
I was playing around with the first xemnas code and infinite jump and i was wondering if there was any way to cancel his first attack the health drain thing. i've seen a video of someone canceling out the sora capture move that final xemnas does. i've already tried limits, riding the skateboard, and using infinite jump but he still chases you relentlessly and you still can't attack him. the place i was at was disney castle in the biggest room which is like the only place that you can meet up with him after he's fallen down. also everyone says cloud is glitchy but the only place that i can't drag him to is the colosium he works fine anywhere else. is there a way to get other charaters in to pridelands?
i was wondering what final form would look like, kinda dissapointed but i'm sure it would be hard to get the weapons to be behind him like they are suppose to. i agree with libregkd, where is xemnas and the rest, axel is to popular and xemnas gets the short end of the stick to often.
if the main controlible character is riku they better scrap his dark mode or fix it. i'm not going to sit on the ground swinging soul eater for several minutes till i realize that he won't attack enimes in the air and jump. and please to god don't say it's going to be on ds or any handheld, how will i get the footage i want in the quality i expect!? i don't ever plan on buying one because i don't want to have to learn another contoler style. i'm already asking myself the first question about crisis core if it ever comes here to the us. if this next game gets on cellphone only i will drop the whole series besides what is already out. bad stuff aside i like that the battle problems are getting fixed now if the team members could do more damage like in the first game we'd be set. i've let the team characters fight on their own and they do squat, it's actually kind of pathetic really becuase they'll go after one nobody and take several minutes to kill it without my help. also i hope that they show the destruction of hollow bastion sometime.
well i'm reviewing the final xemnas battle literally. and through all the sounds of sora, riku, and the keyblades i managed to make out. he does say "suprise" when surrounding you with lasers then "fire" to launch them off. he also says suprise during the riku part. during the normal lasers he does say "pierce" and when he grabs and tosses you it sounds like "we shall go together" because believe he knew he was going to die at that point and he wanted to drag riku and sora with him into darkness. i was watching the video and writing that at the same time so i'm pretty sure i'm right. as for the groan thing that might be for getting hit rather then attacking he does make alot of noise when you whack the crap out of him. and i think it'd be nice to have him shout "hey, dissapear!" it would make him sound less complicated and less like a scientist, besides it would make the atmosphere of that fight less tense... or well to me it would.
and i still don't understand the last line on the first fight with the building. what did he think was a fallacy. i also think that it's "anger and hate are supreme." but i could be wrong, his words get slurred together in most of the battles it seems to me. he also makes a catish growling/purring noise in the japanese version. they should have left the spare a heart line the same as the japanese version, i got confused when he said "can you spare a heart" because spare has two meanings. Spare = 'rescue' or 'give a part of something' it would have been nicer if he would have said i'm taking sora's heart.
my browser hates me i got logged from every site i'm on. anyway i'm not one for buying stuff like that but if i could i'd get that master form one in a heartbeat but i'd rather have valor. i wonder how they would make final form though.
ok i haven't seen these a million times on photobucket yet. the top one is so pretty.
i've had that last picture logged on my computer for a while now, but i never guessed the guy on the left was xemnas even after getting kh2. it might be because there are so many guys in that game with that type of coat on.
i've never heard of mugen but if it's anything like super smash bros i'm happy.
ok i now want cloud and tifa on my team to kill sephiroth. i don't know why some call him easy, the first game one was easy.