yeah they do have seperate model files along with xigbar and even demyx. xigbar's guns look like they are attached in the file though, going from a visual stand point. it would he funny to see sora using xigbar's guns like keyblades.
i don't think wielding those weapons would be possible either, i have all the models dumped on my laptop and all are connected to their weapons, in order to weild one the whole character would be attached. i don't even want to see what that would look like. the only boss weapon or otherwise that can be used is saix's claymore but only for one reaction. well besides some others that have been posted. i also think i know how to fix wttd, riku only has 4 or so attacks and sora has about 12 depending on what's equipted, so i figure taking off most ablities would stop wttd from dissapearing, i'm only guessing though. i would like to use the skill mods but i have no idea what they do.
i agree but i find the one in the first game more entertaining, espeashily when you deflect his own fire ball back in his face.
i was using my armax on this game but when i loaded everything it said some files were corrupt and when i when through the game to use the codes i came back out and went to do a extra mission i lost everything i had gotten. all my nice remodels of hydra, cerberus, and griffin. all my maxed acceseries. and the ultima weapon. i went into the mission with squat just one gun and that was it.
xemnas! the first battle was so damn easy that i keep going back to find more ways pick on him. saix is a close second. these two are the only ones that i bothered to keep saves before the battles.
augh couldn't sleep. anyway as for my breaching barriors thing with groundshaker, i found out it is not possible to breach the barrior in the world of nothing white area. i have tried mutiple times but sora will just fly around t-stanced till he hits the barrior then vanishes. same goes for the aera of memory's skyscraper [not to be confused with memory's controtion] you get stuck in one of the exits and vanish. also i used the slowest mode possible and i know what saix looks like while berserk [not really relevent just curiousity] it was one of the funniest battles i ever fought but the video i captured is 17 minutes long. well the only ones i've ever heard of besides those are limit form and anti form. limit is only on final mix+
the question was something about aladin [can't spell] mods with sora or something. *i got curious and went back to page 633*
well i know you can use battle end game or defalt to get the game back on normal diificulty but i have no idea how to make the invincible heartless and crap able to be killed.
the only college around where i live is 2 hours away. and i already tried online but i got confused on the second week and quit. on devaint art people talk about bringing computers also. on another note this groundshaker boss never lets up. there is a pillar in the center which can be walked through and there is one section that you can fall through but most of it can be stood on.
you have to bring a save point into the first xemnas battle then go back in with groundshaker boss from pridelands, do the reaction to glitch out of the barrier it happans automaticly then infinite jump to the top. the dang boss will hound you like crazy though but you can get to the building, some parts are solid some parts aren't.
i did a slow speed fight with xemnas [or well it was more like a test] anyway i noticed that xemnas can land on ground outside of the center of the final battle arena. so i'm dragging groundshaker back in to see if i can atually land on it too. i found out that you can stand on the top of the building in first xemnas battle area.
just high school, i have a ton of free time too but most of the time i'm bored. oh ok i figured since the guest party member has to be called in and you lose the party command during hacked fights with duel bosses. [or well i do anyway]
i'm out of school now, actually i have been for maybe a year now. i have a save in the world of nothing final battle area, i'm going to have a ton of hacked fights in there. can you get three bosses in one area without actually having to go to an actual boss fight?
i give up on xemnas. i have to try those speed codes i was wondering if you could make him run fast, i'm trying to escape area barriors not sure if it will work but it has to be better then dragging groundshaker around.
on the torrents comment, most torrent programs come with trackers and most sites have their own tracker. i've never made a torrent before but it can't be that difficult. as for kh2 a playable riku is cool i had a feeling he could be drug out somehow, but i don't care much about playing as riku he can't do anything besides 3 commands that aren't even helpful. i want a fightable xemnas, right now i got a dummy and an invisible one in my party one don't move and the other can't be seen\heard etc.
if wielding the organizaton's weapons was possible i'd have saix's claymore or whatever that thing is called.
It still froze, but some other codes i'm using might be interfering. i'm on lvl deadly now in twtnw and these nobodies aren't invincible but man they are mean.
oh, i was in hollow bastion at the time, i also found that dragging riku in the party in those worlds freezes your game in seconds. i'll try this again.
i tried that but the only one that worked was valor, i tried final and it froze during transformation.
i tried out another thing i saved in memory's contortion where you fight xemnas at the building to see if i could do the reaction command, it wasn't there. but it did keep flashing with words altar of naught above the door if i jumped. is there a code for the reaction command itself?