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  1. xemnasfan
    just for laughs i tested the kh mode on saix and xemnas at the same time, both are immortal saix can clean your health in 3 whacks heck i couldn't even get close to xemnas at all.

    and here i thought that not even god could make xemnas difficult.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. xemnasfan
    it seems i picked a good time to play dirge of cerberus.

    anyway on the cloud freezing thing, never happened to me much except when i was in the coloseum.

    but i have found that some characters can be placed in certain slots and they don't glitch up as much has in other slots.

    like if i have xemnas in donald's slot i can't pause but if he's in goofy's i can, and so on and so forth. and if you have two of the same you can't pause anytime.

    so really i've never had much problems except with groundshaker but i have my reasons for that.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. xemnasfan
    this is weird i just had a dream last night that involved playing as xemnas in a factory's rafters.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. xemnasfan
    yeah i figured that when i brought xemnas there hopping the reaction would still be there, short answer, it wasn't.

    but i kept getting altar of naught when i jumped at the door.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. xemnasfan
    winrar is an extracting program or compressing program it is not needed for maxconvert other then to extract the files some place out of the compressed file.

    or at least that's what i did i never run anything straight from a zip or rar file most of the time nothing can run from in them anyway.

    i'm a big computer nut -_-;
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. xemnasfan
    i've already tried this [only for xemnas though] i had a dummy in the other slot but i had both codes on the same slot.

    the result is nothing happens the cancel out each other, i gave up after that.

    i found out to get movie maker to work the best is not to rush it and only have videos in the bin that you are using or it will lock up.

    i use sony vegas 6 platnum and it is still touchy one blip in the video will crash the whole program.

    nowadays my problems with video is tied with codecs, almost none work right. and i have to use another computer to change everything into wmv even though vegas will accept about 15 different types of video.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. xemnasfan
    oh it's that easy, and here i'm making things more difficult for myself, thanks for the explination.

    yeah i agree there.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. xemnasfan
    late reply was making a music video.
    i use action replay max, and yeah how do you change the music i tried a code on a txt doc i got here and i loaded the game and it froze.

    ok then how do you get other songs in i've got a lot of music but i have no idea how to get it in the game.
    heck i never knew that was possible till now.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. xemnasfan
    i was wondering how anyone gets custom music in the game.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. xemnasfan
    on the responce about saving in the world of nothing.

    i have a save there, and the only things that change are.

    1. the characters are not gathered on altar of naught.
    2. riku will not leave the party.
    3. xemnas has vanished.

    i went through the castle thinking it would be empty, till i got whacked by nobodies on the second room. basicly nothing changes, and i did my whole breach the barrior challenge on that save, and not just in that world either.

    oh if you go back in riku is still the only one who stays in the party.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. xemnasfan
    one gummi code works, the 99 ap one does i made another model of my main ship with a crap load of abilties and now it truely rules the sky [or whatever you fly in] i even downed hunter-x without having to fall back on my auto-life.

    it only has like 100 health but it's mostly guns.

    i hope that i can make a custom ship one day.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. xemnasfan
    ok that's nice but i don't know the number combinations or anything like that.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. xemnasfan
    i found out after being annoyed many times by groundshaker, that donald's limit comet is a great way to get the boss off your case for a good amount of time.

    how do you joker something anyway, i can't make my own codes or anything so i have no idea i just find codes and see how much i can do with one code and munipulate it as much as i can then move on.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. xemnasfan
    i seem to have a good copy of kingdom hearts 2 [i only found one actual glitch that was not code iffluenced] i could try this besides i want to see what happens with xemnas anyway.

    but i have no clue how to joker anything, and i took three sleeping pills so in a few minutes i'll be usless anyway. also my ps2 is burned out for today.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. xemnasfan
    i'm letting my ps2 rest for a bit it keeps crashing randomly.

    but i did get to see some nice views in land of dragons, i never noticed that there was so much detailing before.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. xemnasfan
    i don't mind either i'm just suprised that i noticed.

    but i think this is the second time i've activated codes on my armax itself.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. xemnasfan
    max converter is not that big of a file, but i do understand the firewall thing at one point i was afraid to take mine down [i still am].
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. xemnasfan
    yeah it was like one minute he was flipping out and then left.
    somehow even i noticed that and i just started "coming out of the shadows" as i like to call it.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. xemnasfan
    no glide. well i still have infinite jump and two mp hastegas.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. xemnasfan
    is there anything that alows you to glide outside the areas because this groundshaker is getting on my nerves and having glide would make things a bit more nicer.

    also this boss has an attack radius of holy crap i was in twtnw this thing that is huge was a dot on the screen and he can still hit me regardless of distance.

    he was hounding me nonstop for 8 minutes on a trip that should have taken just

    but through my trials i have gotten to a new spot the clock-tower in tt it can be stood on and no spots that the boss would actually let me stand on were soft.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault