ha i knew that guy was the original xehanort, and this small line of text practically proves my theory is right. but honestly terra does not look that young.
not a phone game! well i'm hoping that what ever it has is irrelivant to the rest of the story. i don't care about multiplayer i think it should remain single player like the first two or four if you count final mix. dang with all the cool games coming out for stuff i don't have i'm going to need a job to get it all.
man i always seem to come in late even missed two updates. anyway i have another game with a walk through walls cheat and it does not effect the floor. goldeneye has something like it a walk through doors and objects but you do not fall for eternaty. the barrior in a game is what keep you on the map and it cannot be broken with infinite jump, i even tried it in a corner for several minutes and glided too. so far groundshaker is the best way. on the play as bosses comment i'd try that as soon as i found it, i find it'd be funny as heck.
actually those screens don't look that widescreen to me, but i am hoping it does come for the psp because i have that one, i don't have no ds or cell phone. the part that gets me is i'm wondering how i will record the footage, kingdom hearts always has the best cutscenes.
whos heart is terra talking about? well if he's chatting with xehanort [bald guy] then it could be a random fight. damn i already want to see this game out.
axel main mystery? that is total crap i got him all figured out. it's xemnas that nobody knows anything about. as for the subtitles on the meeting, it explains why roxas got pissed at diz when he said the same thing.
i still the edges are to sharp everything looks to crisp, but then again i do only have 3 games. but i have yet to see a non pixalated screen video or screenshot, if this is for psp then i'm i'm suprised.
yeah and it doesn't look wide enough pixaled enough for psp.
terra has finally steped out of the dark, now i know what he looks like. but what kind of outfit is he wearing looks like half drakengard nowe clothes and half organization coat. but really i thought he'd have longer hair then that. i have a bad feeling i know how that talk with his enemy [bald guy] is going to end.
so endless magic makes it stronger, i still don't know how that works the the recharge guage. unless magic is unlimited, if so then i've got to try that. right now i'm all tied up with my dieing winmx though, i can't search it sucks.
that endless magic sounds interesting. what does it do though?
i still don't have a ds for that game, i'll probably have to find an emulator since i don't ever plan on getting a ds. besides the new one looks like paper and i bet it could be snaped in half easily, if i do get one it will be the old one bought used on ebay. i'm good to go for the psp one and the ps3 one will hopefully take a long time before it's done, i'm still paying off a camara and other stuff.
i've done the same thing and the game for me freezes on the block reaction, i never can even get to the capture sora bit.
i have seen the evil letters, the chain of memories 2 thing better just be another remake. i wonder what the 0 game is i hope of one of them goes back into the destruction of hollow bastion. i don't care what roxas did, but i got one majorly big theory riding on xeha's past. though xemnas is in the organization too so not all bad i guess.
yeah after loading up the same codes for the 10th time it get's annoying but i got something for about every game. but i will try just about anything once. also the hidden worlds thing [villians vale and such] when can you enter them exactly does it have to be right after the second hollow bastion visit or what. because all my games besides two are at the end of the game the others are before the xemnas and saix fights.
i used codes in my kh2 game but the freezing eventually gets me to frusterated since my armax takes about 10 minutes to get the codes up because it has over 50 thousand stock. so i try and use the most stable ones i got and i stay far away from riku because he crashes the game to often.
i also don't care about a riku code, he has 3 actions and can't even cure. xemnas always runs when in your party or his invisible and he always has his sabars... when he looks normal at least. the only way to get him to stick around is to have an ally he attacks, i was hoping that the world of nothing could drag him out but i might need that riku. i personally feel that it'd be harder to get a decent xemnas then to draw out riku.
i'm not even sure what that rep thing is or what it does. anyway that floating keyblades thing is so fun and it makes valor look so cool while attacking, i also tried no music makes everything like a ghost town. does it effect cutscenes too? because i'm tempted to rerecord all the clips if there is no music, that makes things for music videos so nice and simpler.
i found out how to fix the error i tempsaved without codes on then i tackled all the missions. and amazingly though i had several codes on it was still mean. getting vincent to be chaos vincent when he glows red through the whole game would make ex-hard mode simple as heck.
xemnas alone is also immortal and his nomal attack basicly deplets all your health. the spining dancing whatever attack isn't as bad and is surivable if you can dodge. the health drain thing isn't affected. and guard hurts really bad, he killed me with it eventually.