wow some news about 358 or so days in a magizine that's english, that's progress enough for me. so i guess even big companies can mess up too. as for xemnas, not much difference if none at all. the changes i can see are his eyes stand out and are brighter and his face is rounder but i don't really see a big change. but god he looks evil there, which is an expression i never thought i'd ever see on him.
dang it xemnas better be playable, that's like half the reason i'm stressed over not having a ds. coded is neccesary well i'll just have to cook up more theories. i'll go through anything for a ds but i will not get a cell phone.
cool more info, **** more info. this is good and bad i'm broke right now from paying of a media computer i still got a splitter and hard drive camara to go. i'm going to be insane i have a list of thing i want that i can't get, also sonic is in smash bros and metroid prime 3 looks beautiful. at least i already have a wii now i just need some cash.
thanks but my action replay came with all those stock. i guess i'll have to live with what i have now. so i guess inf health wouldn't help me on final boss on the first one either. the bosses on these games are a pain.
i have two questions, since i can't beat god's toy [the giant sphere thing] no matter what i do. can inf health stop you from getting one hit killed? or can there be a code the unlocks all worlds or gives you the super nowe orb?
you need friends to survive mutiplayer in 358\2 days! i'm screwed then i don't have like any friends, the only friend i got doesn't have a ds anyway.
"lingering spirit" hmm, i knew they died in the secret ending battle, can't be a spirit without dieing. aqua is already proved dead.
there is no way that shadow is riku it's to tall, riku would have been six during that time and that shadow looks like kh1 riku which is impossible ten years back. so who is that, too short for terra i think and to tall to be six year old riku, aqua seems tall too in the secret ending [well taller then ven at least]
wow the clips are in better quailty then i expeted from the two systems, the ds i expected to be more pixeled then that. my psp will crash at least once playing bbs as far as i can see now from looking at the screenshots. i still say that baldy is not apperentice xehanort.
i have a wii and no i do not, freaking senser on that thing get's glitched up by a simple light and the the remote can't sync up correctly. if they do not use the remote for a camara control then maybe i'll reconsider.
i'm probably going to get the game almost 80% because xemnas is playable [it says all it means all] even if i have to suffer playing as roxas in order to get to him. [not a roxas fan at all] as for the 14th member well if they never changed the name to 14th order then that character is irrelevent to me.
i don't blame ya the flu is nasty better not to catch it. my biggest problem was almost nonstop ear infections, my family and i wonder why my earing is good dispite that.
yeah and i still got it but it's slowly dieing off and i'm feeling much better now, i caught it from my bro. three days ago i was barely even able to move because everything hurt so bad. makes sense though that it's going around, i hope flu season is over now. it odd though that i've only had the flu like 3 times out of 20 years.
wow a multi player mode that you can play alone on, that doesn't happen very often that i've seen. i need a ds now, as soon as this flu passes though.
oh, my theory took some serious damage but i'm still sticking with it. i knew the sercet ending was an fmv in the game, and the terra in the kh2 fm+ was just in there as an answer for the weak sephiroth. the game in general does sound good but i hope my psp can handle it, it's already stalled on me twice on untold legends.
ok i did write some replys to the quotes but my hp crapped out. so anyway i think demyx would be fun to play as but i'm a xemnas fan though. yes i have been keeping up with the info but but not many series let you play as the vilians, and i'd need a screenshot as proof unfortunetly. on roxas some quotes from the com members themselves still confuse me, since they seem to talk about him the whole time you're in castle oblivion.
dang it well saix is hopefully playable at least, and xemnas hopefully. if xemnas is playable then i can die happy. still saix ain't to bad either. wait though that means roxas never knew the com guys... aw dang.
i'm not suprised at all that the secert trailer was in the past, i already knew that. i'm even more exited to see the ds game now in hopes that xemnas is controlable, if so that might be the only character i use besides maybe saix and marly.
i did that's what part of my theory rides on, but i do not believe he is the same one in hollow bastion.
does anyone besides me notice that xemnas in that picture looks like seph. or wonder when the distruction of hollow bastion be shown. oh and roxas or whoever does look weird maybe he just woke up, i know i look like that in the morning. :P