I was still sitting on the edge of the roof. I turned my gaze down, and stared at the ground, thinking. 'So...what do I do now? How do I find where I buried my friends? I can't remember where I buried them. I think I burried them in the same area, with seperate graves, of course. And....I think that...' I stopped that thought, because I was about to go back to when they all died. I didn't want to think about seeing them like that. I sighed lightly. 'I need to recover that memory, and place flowers at their graves. That's why I drew the picture of them. I need to remember...' I thought. I just sat there, staring at the ground far, far below...
Larxene kept walking down the hall, looking for anybody, especially Zexion. She relised that just walking blindly in the dark wouldn't work, so she decided to call his name, and hopefully get his attention. "Zeeeeexiioooon....Zexion! Where are you?? Zexion!!" She kept calling as she walked blindly down the hall. She had hoped to not run into anything other than her companions...
Larxene was in another hall. '...Great...' She thought bitterly. She walked down the hall, looking blindly for Zexion. She formed three kunai's in her right hand, just in case. As she blindly walked down the hall, she saw something move. She stopped walking and took her attacking stance. The creature walked into her line of sight, and she saw it to be another large sewer rat. She threw her kunais at it quickly with her shaky hands, two of the knives missed, and one stabbed it in the back. It started to scamper off. "Oh no you don't!" She yelled. She formed four more kunais in her hand, and threw them, two of them stabbing it's back, and one of them nailing it's head. She sighed and kept moving foward, her hands shaking from the encounter and from the darkness. She hoped to no run into any more rats... OOC: BTW, Happy New Year, guys. ^^ EDIT: I'm going to bed, guys. Good Night. ^^
Larxene made it to an archway, and walked through it. She was at a stair case that lead up to a platform that overlooked The Town The Never Was. She walked up the stairs slowly, and looked out across the town. She smiled lightly....even though it was a bit darker than before. Maybe because none of the buildings were lit up. But, the stars and Kingdom Hearts lit the sky up, and that shined down, at least eminating some light down. She then turned her gaze down, and backed up a bit. "Why did I look down?" She saked herself, her hands shaking slightly. She then looked behind her, and saw a door leading to a part of the castle. Even thugh she wanted to stay there, she was afraid of heights, and knew she had to find Zexion. She walked to the door reluctantly, and walked in.
Larxene kept walking, and found a different hallway. She walked down that way, and kept walking. She wished she had some light....but the lights still weren't working, so that was out odf the question. She needed to find Zexion, and she wouldn't mind running into anybody else for The Organization. She kept walking, hoping to NOT find anymore rodents or arachnids...
OOC: I forgot about the portaling. Yeah, no portaling. I'll add it to the first page. :P BIC: Larxene walked down the hall, away from Xaldin, feeling ashamed, and sick of being helpless. She kept on walking...
Larxene was free, and she turned away from Xaldin. She didn't even care that her arm and shoulder were hurt and bleeding a little. "Well....I guess I have to go find a different corridor to walk down...and hopefully not kill myself doing so...." She said quietly. She started to walk away from Xaldin slowly...
Larxene sighed. "I'm sorry. Please help me..." She said quietly.
Larxene sighed. She knew she was damned. She started struggling again, the kunai sinking into her skin more, drawing a slight bit more blood. After a few seconds of struggling, the lance above her shoulder sliced it, causing her to stop struggling. "Oww!" She said, annoyed. She sighed, relising it was useless. She just became silent, staring at the floor beyond the web. She knew Xaldin wouldn't help, and she couldn't move. She figured that either another member would have to help her, or she was done for...
"I knew that after I tried to cut myself free, duh!! Now stop thowing your lances at me! Please!!" Larxene yelled. She didn't like being stuck.
Larxene yelped. "Are you tring to kill me??!" She yelled at The Whirlwind Lancer.
OOC: Lawl. XDD BIC: Larxene looked back, still shaking. "Yeah, I would have killed it if I wasn't STUCK!!! Weapons get stuck in this webbing, and lighting bounces off of it!! I can't move, and I was about to be supper!" She yelled. She tried to jerk herself out of the webbing, and the kunia that was caught in the web stabbed into her arm, and drew a little blood. "Ow..." She whimpered softly.
I reached the roof after a bit of time, and walked over to the edge. I sat down, and stared down, amazed by how far it went down from so high. I then looked up at the sky, and stared, amazed by the sky's appearance. It looked better here than any other balcony or platform in The World That Never Was. I just stared, scanning every pretty star I saw...
Larxene tried to even her breathing, though she was slightly shaking. She thought maybe she could use a kunai to cut away from the web. She formed a kunai in her free hand, and tried to split it through the webbing....but it immediatly got stuck. She sighed. She then tried lightning, and sent a spark at a thread of webbing....and it mearly bounced off of the web. "Oh great....the web is now indestructable. She glared up at the tarantula, and tried to sent a streak of lighting at it with her free hand, and it evaded her shot. "DAMN YOU!!!" She yelled, getting mad.
I sighed. I stood up, and starred down. Just staring. I was feeling lonely, but I was always lonely. I walked twords the door, and walked into the castle. I then walked down the hall, heading for the next stair cases leading to the roof. I felt like seeing how far down it was from the roof...
Larxene started shaking. '....It's a spider web. A REALLY BIG spider web....' She thought. She closed her eyes, and listened closely. She heard a slight bit of movement up abouve. Positioning movement. She slowly opened her eyes, and reluctantly, she slowly looked up. And what she saw, alomst made her faint as soon as her eyes gazed upon it. It was a big, huge, black tarantula staring at her from above. She looked foward, and stared. She then frantically tried to rip away from the web. But, the more she tried, the more stuck in it she got. She stopped thrashing about, and looked, seeing that her leg up to the lower thigh, and her arm up to her elbow was stuck. She was shaking worse, as she quickly looked up to see the tarantula was still staring at her. It was waiting for her to loose enough energy by thrashing about, to have an easy meal, she relised. She then glared at the tarantula. She used her free hand to form four kunais in it, then threw them at the tarantula. It moved back slightly, evadeing them all, and then it hissed at her. She gulped, scared of the tarantula, and really trying hard to stay calm. She knew if she were to faint now...she was dead...
I continued looking down. I looked to my right, and saw a rock. I grabbed it, and dropped it below. It hit a couple of walls, and dissappeared far far down. "...Wow..." I murmured. I just stared down still, not really interested in doing anything else.
Larxene kept walking down the hallway....untill she took a step, and her foot wouldn't move. She looked down, and tried to move her foot, but it was stuck. She then looked up, and stretched her hand out...and she felt something weird on it. Something sticky. "...What the?" She whispered. She tried to upll her hand back, but it was stuck. She then widened her eyes, as she relised what this was....
Larxene kept walking down the hall, pouting and ignoring Xaldin. She was too mad to care at this point. She was staring down at the ground, frowning slightly. She just kept walking foward, not caring about much at all...
"YOU STUPID BOYS!!! Couldn't there be more girls in The Organization??! Dammit!!" She yelled. She then trew Xaldin backards, causing him to fall on the floor. She walked over to the hallway opposite of the hall she's had rat and mouse encounters in. She looked down and sighed. She then slowly started walking foward, not really caring if another rat attacked her at this point. "None of you respect me....you bunch of creeps...." She said quietly as she slowly kept walking, aimlessly... OOC: I love how I just suddenly twist the mood there. I'm good at mood twisting. :3