I was still lying on my bed, staring at the wall throught glassy eyes. I let a few more tears slip down my face. I was so confused, sad, guilty, and scared. My frinds were burried, and I couldn't lay flowers at their graves. I knew that I had to move on with this new life, but I didn't even know where to start. They were there for me. They took me in when nobody else did. And....I killed them....' I thought. I let more tears slip as I laid there...
I sighed, and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling. '....I don't remember....why?' I questioned in my mind. 'I don't know....maybe....not knowing is best. I guess....I need to give up. I need to worry about my life here, my life now. I'm sorry....all of you....' I thought sadly. I rolled over, facing the wall. I then let a few tears slip down my face, curling up in a ball. I didn't even know what to do with my life, anymore....'
I was sitting on my bed, starring at the wall infront of me. Starring at the drawing I pinned to the wall. The picture I drew of my old friends. I sighed, scooting back on the bed untill I was sitting native style with my back against the wall. I wasn't sure what to do, and the sadness, the guilt, still piled deep within. I sighed, starring at that picture. I was a tad sad...
That's awesome. What a good, brave kid, eh? I like that there are still some people with enough courage to protect the people they care for. I find it more amazing that it was a toy lightsaber that he used, too, because it scared away a guy a lot bigger than him. Cool! ^^
I looked around. "....Well?" I asked Nebx.
I gave a small sigh. "Well....there has to be something to do in this castle...." I said quietly.
I stared at Nebx. "Alright. What is there to do around here, then?" I asked him, quietly.
I gave a light smile. "Well....I figured we could go do somethng, if you wanted to." I said.
I pulled the thoughts from my mind. "Nebx...what are you doing, today?" I asked him.
I looked away from Nebx, and sighed. "....I'm fine...." I said quietly.
I looked up at Nebx. "...Y...yeah...." I said quietly.
"Yeah..." I said quietly. '...Where are they....I need to find you all....' I thought, refering to where my friends were burried. I wanted to find them...all I wanted to do was place flowers at their graves....
"...Thank you...." I said to Nebx. "I tripped when I was....thinking...." I said quietly.
I looked up. "...Nebx?" I asked, as he grabbed my hand.
Larxene slowly walked down the hall, and reached the white doors that lead into Sick Bay. She walked in, and slowly made her way over to the cabinent with poison cures. She opened it, and saw many different containers with various colored liquids inside. She had no clue which to drink, and none of them were marked. She growled slightly, annoyed at which Nobody did this. She stared at the liquids, afraid that if she drank the wrong one, she would get even sicker than she was...
I got up, and looked down over the edge again. '.....It's such a long drop.....I remember when Sara fell down a cliff side, once. We spent five days looking for her.....she luckily fell in the river below. She did hit her side against a rock, though.....she got very lucky. We found her on the fifth day, and she was staying at a house with a small familly, recovering. We had been so worried....' I thought. I sighed, and started to take a small step forward to get a slightly better veiw below, when my foot slipped off the edge. I fell, and caught the edge of the building with my left hand. I looked up, and reached my other hand up, but I was struggling to hold on, my left hand slipping back a bit. I stopped reaching with my other hand, letting it fall to my side. I tightened my left hand on the edge, trying to hold on. "Hey!! Somebody help me!!!" I yelled....not sure of what else to do and I struggled to hold on. I felt my grip slipping...
I was still on the roof, sitting on the edge, staring down. I stood up, still looking down. I wondered how far down the ground was from up here. I sighed. I then walked over to a bench that was on the roof, and sat down on it. I stared at the sky, becoming a bit bored, and trying to recall the memory of where I burried my old friends...
...Really? I read the rules pretty much before I did anything. As soon as I saw the rules when I came on the forums, I read them. Hell, I still look at the rules now and then, along with importaint stickies. Maybe it's that people don't see the rules or stickies? Or maybe they just don't care....
Larxene walked past the spider's body, and took the right. She learned to avoid the places she gets attacked in. She was now looking for Sick Bay, hoping that she could heal her wounds she hand from the rat bite, her own kunai, Xaldin's lance, and now she needed to flush the poison from her vains. Larxene walked very slowly down the hall, noticing that she felt much weaker suddenly. 'I can take it....I have to live....' She kept thinking, hoping she could find Sick Bay quickly...
Larxene kept walking down the hall, calling to Zexion, a bit quietly as she progressed. Her hands were shaking and she was becomming more scared the longer she was alone and in the dark. "Zexion?! Please! Aren't you somewhere nearby??!" She called. She then stopped walking, as she turned left at a three way intersection in the hall. She saw something moving....and it was something big. She stared, as it just sat there...posibbly staring back? It then started to lurk twords her. She took a shaky step back, as it charged. It quickly ran infront of her, and reared up. It was a huge spider, and it was in an attack stance. Larxene let out a shcream, and jumped back. The spider sroped down on it's legs, revealing a red mark on it's back. 'A Black Widow?!!" Larxene thought. This was one big spider, and she was a Nobody, so she wasn't sure how poison from it would affect her. She didn't want to test it, either. Larxene jumped abck in the hall she came from. She took an attack stance, forming kunai's between each finger. She was shaking slightly, as her hand shook badly. She then tossed the kunais from her right hand at the spider, forming more quickly. The spider deflected three, and got stabbed by one in the torse, causing it to hiss in pain. I then quickly moved foward twords Larxene. Larxene tried to jump back, but the spider used one of it's front legs to sweep under Larxene's as she started to jump, causing her to fall on her back. The spider crawled ontop of her, and Larxene, with very shaky hands, stabbed a kunai into it's stommach. This angered the spider more, and it tried to bite her. Larxene tried to push the spider off herself, but it persisted, and it reached her neck, bitting into it, causing Larxene to let out an ear peircing scream. She then punched the spider in the face, causing it to back up, confused. She took this chance to bring a huge streak of lightning down on it, killing it on contact. Larxene slowly got to her feet, rubbing her neck. It was in imense pain, and she felt confused...