I jumped as I stood up, turning around. "....Exel? What are you doing here??" I asked him.
After sometime of walking, I reached the forest. I saw the river that flowed through the forest, and I saw various flowers and butterflies around. Many trees filled the forest, as well as some shrubbs. I walked down the forest a bit, and spotted stones sticking out of the ground. I ran over to the stones, seeing them to be the grave stones of my deseced friends. I let tears fill up in my eyes, and I placed the flowers down at each grave, one grave at a time. I then walked back to where I was standing, scanning each gravestone. I let a few tears slip down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, you guys....I never ment to kill you....I let anger take over me....envy.....rage....I'm so sorry....." I quietly said. I dropped to my knees, crying...
I stood there, still trying hard to remember. It suddenly clicked. I remembered. I buried my friends in that old, quiet forest we all used to hang around all the time. It was so peaceful, and it was an escape from the city. I opened my eyes and smiled lightly. I knew exactly where to go. I started to walk twords the path, on my way to finally place flowers at my friends' graves....
I continued down the street. I saw various unfamiliar faces, and some familiar. I kept my head down as I walked. I had to consentraight on my friends. I walked down the street, and soon reached the end. I saw the road leading to the flowery place. I walked down it, and after sometime of walking, I reached the garden. I saw many wonderous flowers filling the place. I walked over to a pretty batch with various kinda and colors of flowers. I picked ones that I felt they would like best. I held them, thinking back. I still tried to remember where they were buried. 'I think it was somewhere we all loved to be. But...where? Where are my friends??' I thought, standing there, eyes closed.
I was walking away from the field I had been in, on a path headed for the city I grew up in. I put my hood on, hoping I wouldn't be recognized by anyone that I knew from my past life. I was on my homeworld still, and I wanted to find those graves. I knew of a place with beautiful flowers that we used to hang around, so I wanted to pick some of them, and lie them down at my friends' graves. I had to. I walked down the path, untill I found my way to the city I grew up in. The slums, really. I walked into the city, and looked around. 'Yup....it's still a mess...' I thought. I walked down one of the streets, heading for the other side of the city...
Yeah. And if you examine the statue, it looks like something clawed it. Not blew it up or anything. People just make a pond out of a puddle...
I mean, really. It's understandable to be sad about 9/11, but if she doesn't want to see the movie....she doesn't have to. She doesn't have to see the movie. If this movie was set in Tokyo, then she'd have no problem with that, right? But just because it's New York, doesn't mean it's related to 9/11. >.>
*FacePalm*....Why can't people just stop nit-picking every little fault they find in every little thing? Yeash Nickers....
OOC: Thanks burnitup, BTW. I forgot to say it in the PM. Sorries. ^^; BIC: I blushed as he walked out. I then shook my head, and stood up. I held out my hand infront of me, and let Darkness flow, forming a portal. I walked though it, and appeared at my Home World. I was in a valley that I used to come to when I got stressed. There were patches of grass that were on fire. It was just as green as ever. It was just like I had remembered it. I formed my kunais in between my fingers, and than I started running forward. Suddenly, birds rose into the sky from the tall grass. They were pests, and the people of my world have been trying to get rid of them for years. I threw all of my kunais in my hands up at them as they flew, hitting each one, and pulling them down to the ground. I used to relentlessly kill them for hours when I got stressed. I felt like doing the same thing, now. I kept replenishing my kunais, running to scare some of the birds into the sky, and throwing them at the birds continuously, in a pattern. I was so angry at myself, I figured that killing pests was the best idea of getting rid of my guilt and anger. OOC: ....I couldn't think of anything else....-_-;
It's happened to me, too. If it's a grey rep gem, then it means that you have recieved zero rep. Probably because that person has little or no rep at all.
I sighed. I knew that as soon as he walked out the door, I would throw a fit. I felt I might idf he stayed, though. "....Yeah." I said, a bit coldly. I have spilt all the tears I think I can, and I felt the rage, the guilt, building within. I figured I would portal elsewhere, and throw my fit elsewhere, as soon as Nebx is out of my way, anyways.
I was staring into Nebx's eyes. I wasn't sure how to react, so I hugged him back. I figured if I told him of my past, he'd reject me and maybe even kill me. I wasn't sure...
'If I tell him....he may not trust me. Exel could understand, because he has been in the same boat as myself. I can't tell Nebx, though. He won't trust me and I'll be completely alone...' I thought. I looked up at Nebx, staring into his eyes. "It doesn't matter...my past, doesn't matter....." I said quietly. I just couldn't take being alone, again...
I looked down. "Look....it's nothing, really. Just....some things of the past...." I said quietly. I was feeling intense guilt, remembering that dredful memory of their deaths....
I sighed, scooting back on the bed untill my back was against the wall. "....Either way....my problem doesn't matter...." I said quietly.
I scooted back a little bit. "....What if it isn't?" I asked him, becoming a bit tense.
I stared up at Nebx. I wiped my right eye quickly. "Yeah. I'm fine. Never better." I lied.
I sighed again, eyes still glassy as tears not spilled still lay in them. "Come in." I said quietly.
I lightly sighed. "What is it, Nebx? Why are you here?" I asked him softly.
I heard a knock on my door. I wiped a few tears off my cheeks, sat up, straightened my shirt (we'll just say that my hoody is hung up on a chair in the room), and I lightly sniffed. "Who is it?" I called in a quiet voice.