Art? You have an art class?? What grade are you in? (Has no art classes in my school...)
Eh, when has school ever been fun? All I can say is try your best in school. It'll end someday, so you just have to try your best while your in it.
I'm doing well, kikame. Last month, something bad happened, but I'm doing fine. How have you been?
....Alright, kikame. I guess.
I have a friend in real life who likes Kingdom Hearts. She's my best friend, but I barely get to talk to her, because of familly problems. >.> Oh, and that is wiked weird....I have a friend who moved to California, too. He also liked Kingdom Hearts. I miss him a lot, it's been over two years since I've seen him, and I doubt I'll meet him again, but I just find this weird...O___o;
....Can't an Admin just fix it? I hate seeing it....and I doubt majorly that this stupid computer I have to work with can handle FoxFire....-_-;
I finished my coffee, not feeling dizzy anymore. I finally calmed down. I got up, put my mug in the sink, and walked out of the kitchen. I then looked upstairs, wondering what was going on. I started to walk up the stairs...
I reached the kitchen, and walked over to the fridge. I opened it, and saw a container of ice coffee inside. I grabbed that and a container of half and half, and I brought them over to the counter. I placed them down, got a mug, placed that down, poured in the ice coffee, then the half and half, and put those containers away. I then got a spoon, mixed the coffee, added some sweet & low, mixed that, and put the spoon in the sink. I then walked slowly over to the table, sat down in a chair, and slowly sipped it. I evened my breathing, calming myself. 'I have to calm down. Now, I have to move on from my old friends, and my past. I can do it, I just have to try...' I thought calmly. I was starting to calm down...
I sighed, figuring that maybe I should go to the kitchen, and drink something to give me a bit of strength. I slowly walked down the hall, and headed twords the kitchen.
"...I don't know.....I hear fighting upstairs. You better....go up there...." I said slowly. I had a bad headache and felt even dizzier than before...
I slowly shook my head a little. I took a deep breath, and walked over to the door. I leaned against the door frame, staring out at the hall with hollow eyes...
I reached The Library, feeling lost. I walked inside it, and over to the counter. I sighed as I leaned against it. I was feeling a bit dizzy from stressing so hard....
I walked down the halls aimlessly, surrounded in my sorrows. I wewnt down a few floors, faintly hearing a battle going on, but thinking little about it as I still walked down the halls...
OOC: Sorry that I dissappeared. I was a bit busy, but I'm here now. BIC: I stood in the center of the roof, staring up. I sighed, figuring I was just not really left with a life, anymore. It WAS my fault, anyways. I then looked down at the roof (floor), and headed for the door leading inside the castle...
I was sitting on the edge of the roof. I closed my eyes and stood up. I felt lost and confused at this point. I just wanted to move on, but I couldn't. I needed to, but I was trapped. I turned away from the roof's edge, and slowly walked to the roof's center. I stared up, wanting something to give me a sign, a nudge, in the direction of what to do in my life, while doubting that I even should exist, anymore...
Yup, I knew that already. It was in my Agenda book. >_> <_< >.>; XD;;;
I sighed as I stared. '....What now? What should I do now?? I....I want them back....I feel lost without them....I feel like I'm missing so much of what I am without them.....' I looked down, staring at the balcony below. 'I know I have to go on with my life. I know I have to move onward. What do I do without them? Without....' I sighed, wanting to cry, but fighting back the tears. I continued to stared down, passed the balcony and at the ground so far below... OOC: EDIT: I'm going to bed in a little bit. I'm so exhausted. Good Night, you guys.
I reached the roof after some time, and stared up. I sighed, feeling lost and sad. I wished I hadn't killed them....I felt so bad, so guilty. I sat on the edge of the roof, and stared up at the midnight hues that was sprinkled with white twilight. I felt like there was a very deep emptiness in my heart....
I wiped away my tears as I slowly stood up. I sighed, and walked out of my room, slamming the door shut, not caring. I walked down the hall, heading for the roof. I wanted to stare at the sky from there....
I walked through the portal, arriving in my room. I slowly walked to my bed, and collapsed onto my knees at the side of my bed, burrying my head into my arms on the mattress. I started to lightly sob. "....Why? Why did I let you all die?? WHY???" I sobbed, just needing to cry one last time....