I believe you....it just seems like almost nobody apreciates my works, no matter how hard I try....not you, not the few people who do, but everybody else.... Alrighty. Thank you.
Alright.... ^^
....Really? Thank you. ^^
I don't know....the only person that I know who likes my stories is burnitup.... Yes, I would like that. I need to know how to improve, so make it as long as you want. I don't mind. ^^
....So why does only one person like my stories? :\ I guess....I just have a hard time drawing well....could you comment on that picture that I drew, and point out how I can improve it? If it's not too much trouble, anyways. I just want to be able to draw.... I'm good. I'm doing well.
Hello DoomDen. How are you? ^^
Your still lucky to have talents, odd or not. I have no talents, and I envy those who do. ....Aqua is tilted....that's not good work. O.o;
That makes you lucky. ....It sucked....
*Blink*...Okay? Well, I guess he'll be online soon. He tend to come back on about an hour or so from when he dissappears. BTW, I.....drew.....a pathetic picture....-______-;;;
....It tends to happen a lot, actually. Either he has bad timing, or I do. >.>;
I'm good! Well, aside from the fact that burnitup dissappears as soon as I come online....>.>; Anyways, I'm good.
...Hey everybody! How are you all? ^^;
Okay. And I shall never come out of my dream world. It's too fun here. XD
*Blink Blink*....Everyone? Who is this everyone that you speak of?? O.o?
Alrighty, I'll add you, too. ^^ Yeah, I have been. I've been trying hard, but I hope that my efforts aren't in vain.
FiragaNanaki. I wanted FireNanaki, but it wouldn't let me have that User Name, so I went with FiragaNanaki. I'm adding my old stories from here to DA, but I'm editing them and even extending them. I won't extend my first story on there, but the others I may. I'll mention weather a story is being extended or not in the author note thingy at the end of the first chapter of each story. Also, on the stories that I have extended, I'll write weather it's been extended or not in the same place. And also, I'm writing a rather long story about Harvest Moon: More Friend's Of Mineral Town. I'll try not to make it too long, and skip over days and such, but I'm trying to make a good story from it. I have three chapter out on it, and I'm working on the fourth.
Thanks. I'm starting to put stories on DA at this point. I don't feel like posting stories here anymore, since nobody will read them here. I doubt my newest story on DA is being read by anyone other than burnitup, but I'm still going to finish it up on there, anyways. I don't really care. But, I digress. I guess. I don't draw very much anymore, but I might get around to drawing a bit more often. I don't mind.
I know....even when I don't compare myself to others, I still resent my drawing abilities....but, I find me pride in the stories I write.
....From what I've seen my friend do....no. ^^;
That's cool. I'm in the 9th grade, and there are no art classes in my High School. I wish there was something cool like that, though. Then again, I'm not good at drawing...XD; Lawl, messier than a food fight. XD