I know, right! I had to do a double take when I heard him say that. I was like "WHAAAAAAAT??!!!" I mean, really! The poor dog's life span is probably hacked because of the idiot....I am SO against crulety, neglect, and stupidity twords animals. That's just so wrong...
Poor doggy...TT^TT Okay, I know this is skewing off course a bit, but that reminded me of something this kid in my school said today that outraged me. He said that he trained his dog to like beer! That is COMPLETELY WRONG!!! Why would somebody do that?!
Lawl! XDDD
Ohhh, okay. ^^;
Oh, okay. I didn't know, because I can't even find out how long More Friends Of Mineral Town is, and I looked at the walkthrough on GameFAQS, too....
...How? ....Who's that? O.o?
Cool! And I hope it lasts a long time. *Wants to buy it....if I ever get to get a DS* :3 ....That must suck....uhh....good luck cleaning it up?? ^^;;;
I know.... Oh, but Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town is good! It's my favorite so far. If you get the chance, I suggest trying it. ^^
That sounds cool! How long can you play the game for? And can you marry + have kids in it?
I know. Plus, you can only grow four crops. But, it was such a nice game. It's hard to dislike any of the townsfolk....I loved the animals....the dog....the game was great. I just hate that it ends so fast! You can replay it on the same file, from the start of Spring of the same year, with all of your upgrades, animals, items, food, crops, ect....but your doing the same stuff over and over, and the villagers never remember you.... :\
Hello....err....have we met before? I don't think so....anyways, hello. ^^;;; Cool! What's Rune Factory like, anyways? I hear you can fight monsters in that one or something....
Yeah. All three of those Harvest Moon games are great. I just wanted to cry when I finished Save The Homeland....in Summer....of the first and only year....It shouldn't end on the first year....TT^TT
Cool. I have A wonderful Life, Save The Homland (I got it recently), and More Friends Of Mineral Town (My most recent HM game). In order, my favorites would have to be: MFOMT AWL STH I would have Save The Homeland before A Wonderful Life, but it's just too dissapointing in some areas, that I just can't.... :\
Thanks. Okay, if I can recall correctly, you said you play Harvest Moon? If I am correct, which games have you played?
Well, good luck getting everything done.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Apparently so. I tend to multi-task....but not with so many things....I think....o.O;
O.O; *Filerererererzzzzzz*
Looking at FanArt of Harvest Moon, listening to music, and soon I shall be working on my next chapter of Moon Shimmer Farm. You?
Okay. Thanks.