Hey burnitup. How are you?
Alrighty, thank you kikame! I'll be looking for those Animes/Mangas that you told me about. Thnak you! ^^ And try watching/reading those that I told you about that I liked, they are pretty good. And Yu Yu Hakasho is weird, but I love it. It grew on me very quickly. ^^
Devil May Cry is a good game, but it's hard to beat. On DMC 1, 2, and 3, I'm stuck at the begginnings of each game, but then again, I suck at them. XD; Anyways, if you like hard but awesome games, you'll like Devil May Cry.
*Hugs Back Tightly* Okay, I will. :3 Alright, what I've read and seen, are (these are the one I love BTW): Rurouni Kenshin (read some, seen all) Samurai X (Only seen an AMV, and one movie about it...the movie I saw kinda sucked, but I want to see the series) Fullmetal Alchemist (read a little, seen all) Wolf's Rain (seen almost all) Yu Yu Hakasho (seen some, but don't remember it much, and wants to see it again) FLCL (read some but don't remember much, seen all) Shaman King (read a little, wants to read more) Inuyasha (seen all, is still reading) Ranma 1/2 (read a little, wants to read more) Detective Conan (seen some, wants to see more) Death Note (seen all) Trigun (seen most or all, remembers some, wants to see it all again) .Hack//Sign (seen some) Now here are some I've seen but didn't like, and why (please not, I haven't seen all of the episodes of these, and I hated them from wnhat I saw. I've only seen these): Paranoia Agent (....It creeped me out too much....O___O ) S-Cry-Ed (I got bored of it...I don't know why) Witch Hunter Robin (It bored me) Cowboy Bebop (It was too slow paced for my taste....) Ghost In The Shell (it bored me) And I also started watching a couple other Animes, b ut I saw so little of them, I never actually engraved whether I liked them or now. ....Sorry that that took me so long to type.... ._.;
Okay. Yeah, I don't mind blood, violence, language, ect. I just want to read good Manga, and watch good Anime. Do you have any that you know of that are good? I've only seen/read a few, but all of them are good. I'd like to see/read more, though, so yeah. :3 I came by to chat. I'd like to come here more often. Yeash Nickers. >.> XDD
*Hugs Back* Hey burnitup. ^^
Well, it's not that I can't watch and read anything over 18. I'm just not allowed to watch/read anything with male nudity below the belt, or with sex in it. And yes, I know of OM. I found it one day, when I was trying to see if I could read Inuyasha anywhere. Thanks for the offer, though. It's alright. We all have our crosses to bare. I've been stressed out a lot lately... Aww....that sucks. I don't watch or read Bleach. I might sometime, but for now, I don't.
Damn....your lucky your able to read and watch so much Anime and Manga. I have to be careful about which ones I watch, until I'm 18. It sucks being young....>_> Anyways, get into Detective Conan. It's a great series, I love it. And yes, I know that some Anime have been chopped to **** compared to the original Manga, and sometimes the Manga and Anime are completely different. I've seen all of Rurouni Kenshin, and I've been reading some of the Mangas, and they are so very different, it's amazing....O.o;
Well, my mom won't even sit through an Anime, but my dad likes a few of them. I got him to like Rurouni Kenshin (my FAVORITE Anime! WOOOH!! XD; ), and Fullmetal Alchemist. If I had Detective Conan on DVD, I'd be happy....I can't find too many episodes on it....I want to see what happens to Jimmy.... ._.; I will start reading the manga soon. I have a lot of Mangas I want to read....ugh....-_-; Didn't see the edit at first. Okay.
Alright, how are you, today?
Cool. I'm fine. I'm just listening to music, relaxing. I've been recently showing my dad an Anime called Fullmetal Alchemist. He likes it, surprisingly. I'm not watching it right now, though.
Hey DoomDen. How are you?
....Hey guys....if anyone wants to talk to me....
...Sad..isn't it? Most of the inactive members come here to get videos. They, like, never look at the forums. I barely post, but at least I pay attention to the stuff going on. I have to wonder why so many people make accounts if they don't use them for anything..?
Nah, not me. Anyways, I need to go for a bit. I'll be lurking when I return, too. *Shruggs*
^^; I know, thanks. XD
...Hi? ^^; And yeah, I know you commented, I just need to read your comments. I'll do so in a bit.
I like to call my friends. Even though I'm shy, I like being able to hear their voice, and being able to tell what they feel. It also makes me feel closer to that person, because mostly? I'm alone. Even my friends out here barely see or talk to me, so I'm pretty lonely. I have one person I can call somethimes though, so I'm happy about that. My second choice would be IM, since the majority for my friends are on the Internet. Though they aren't my friends in real life, it's nice to IM them. I like IMing, because it's quick and easy. As for e-mail, I barley even look at the bloody things, so I don't really care for using e-mail for converations. I only use it to check for updates and stuff that I'm e-mailed by the staff from sites I go on. So yeah.
Yeah....you just don't hurt an animal like that....poor dog.... EDIT: I'm going to bed you guys, I'm sleepy. Good Night. ^^
....There are some really stupid people out there....a lot of people around our age view life as a joke, and they do things without even caring about it....don't be like that. I think about this kind of thing a lot....it makes me sad that so many people just don't care about how much they hurt others....