:3 ....I made pathetic computer drawing....things. XD;
I saw that after I responded, sorry. I'm a tad slow...
Okay. I trust you. I'm just so used to being shunned by everyone, that I sometimes feel like everyone will shun me....Thanks you, burnitup. No, you weren't. Check my edit.
*Hugs Back*....Really..? People do it without even noticing.... No, I've read everything you've said. I'm talking about any of my friends that have, including my best friend. So yeah...
*Hugs Back Tightly* You didn't hurt my feelings. I've just been shunned so many times by my friends when they talk, it's a natural thing for me to shy away when multiple friends of mine are talking. You did nothing wrong. It's just engaved in my mind to shy away.
I was waiting for you to say something to me. I never feel welcome anywhere, and I am always pushed away when 2 or more of my friends are around, so if I won't speak up when your with other people, or if I act distant and cold, that means I don't feel welcome.
*Hugs Back Tightly*....I haven't said anything....because I was waiting for you to notice me.
I've been sitting here the whole time, burniup.
Okay, see ya later.
Okay. Thanks.
Eh, whatever. I guess it doesn't matter. *Shruggs*
*Hugs Back* It's weird, I'm not sick. I have the sniffles, but there from my last sickness. I haven't gotten sick since then. I've just coughing all day. o.O
It's okay. Man, I've been coughing all day. I wonder why...
Ohh....do you have the window open? That might help, if it's cool or windy outside.
Alright, I just want you to be safe. I care about my friends. And....burnitup? I have a wiked random question for you. XD
Just be careful, and try to get more sleep, okay?
....That's not good. Just don't exceed 3 days without sleep, at least. If you do that, or almost never sleep too much, you could die. It messes up your mind, making you get hallucinations, acting weird, and screws you up in the head. So if you can, definatly try to get more sleep. If your having trouble sleeping, then try some different things, like playing soft music, or drinking tea. Sleep is very important, and you feel a lot better when you sleep more often. Trust me, I know.
....How much sleep have you been getting, if you don't mind me asking....
Yeah, it sucks. Well, I hope the DBE will pass over, soon... Sure, we can talk here. I don't mind. ^^
*Hugs Back* I'm fine. I can't access my PMs or User CP, though. From what I read on YouTube, you can't either?