Mines would be Axel or Zexion, they are cool!
Sora and Donald-both Mulan, Mushu, and Sora Tron and Sora Sora and Riku Aladdin and Sora
My favorite would probably be Oblivion or Oathkeeper. I mean the whole light and dark thing is cool.
I think it was the Behemoth, or Hades. If you hit the queen, which cards will stop?
The "Other Side of the Heart" is basically what Sora doesn't know about Roxas. Roxas's "Other Side of the Heart (Well, nonexistent heart XD)" is what he doesn't know about Sora. The "Other Side of the Heart" for Sora is part of himself that he never knew!
That card system was alright. It was fun and strategic, but also a bit annoying. Its ok, except for having weak cards. Well, can't wait until the 3D remix.
I read it, it was cool. The funniest part was with Donald. He kept shouting Blizzard and then they crashed together and crashed into a wall, missing Axel. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD
Something about coming back to become stronger or something. When you battle Larxene, which move can paralyse you?
Not really a quote, more of an action Roxas steps out of Sora. Sora looks amazed and his face freezes in that same face emotion for like until Roxas finishes the speech. Then Roxas reenters, and Sora's all like 'wtf? Who was that? OMG who was that?' that was such a lame thing to do!
My list would probably be 1. Wisdom 2. Final 3. Master 4. Valor 5. Anti
I've seen all of them before, but know I can't remember. I always do the first one because I'm very hasty, so I don't really do the others. Oh well. :P But I still know about them a little.
Ok, I think maybe Roxas would win. First off, Ansem would die, and so would Xemnas because they can defeat them. Riku defeats Sora, Roxas defeats Riku. Then Roxas would have to defeat Axel. If you haven't noticed, Axel isn't all that hard, so Roxas would be able to defeat him. Riku won the 2nd time because he had the power of darkness.
It was Xehanorts heartless. I think he hid himself because he might not have wanted see him, or because his body was incomplete. Riku looked like that because he had to take on Xehanorts body so he could use the darness again and defeat Roxas. It was the only way, and he did it to help Sora.
1st-Mulan and Shang; 2nd-Belle and Beast
I dunno if I can join since you already started but if I could then heres the stats. Name:Rika Alias(Title): Winds of Change Age: 18 Personality: Quiet, thoughtful Attire(Appearance): Black and White T-Shirt. Long black pants with white pockets. Blond Hair, blue eyes. Class:Magician; Healer Weapon: Staff, Sword Ability: Dissapear, cast magic, heal, teleport. Armor: None History: Born with special powers, so she was an outcast. She is searching her world to find a perfect place where she can live. if I can join, I would be very happy, but it ok if I can't. Please message me if you made decision because I don't go on much now.
well, my favorite heartless is the Living Bones. Because I get to ride on it, and I also get to smash it's head on teh ground >:D I also like the Dragoons, they are awesome! They have cool lances and such so yeah.
I realized that before, an after the battles, I started to think about it. Xemnas must have wanted Riku to betray Sora because he knew that Riku was originally darkness. He tries to trick Sora because he wants Sora to believe that Riku is still darkness. Yes, he is trying to destroy their friendship, but they've been friends forever, so they have a strong friendship bond. P.S. I seem to be writing a lot recently LOL
1. Pence isn't stupid. He is fat though, like that isn't very obvious. 2. Axel isn't wimpy, the fact that he tried to kill his best friend, and he turned against his own kind. Sora is wimpy because he pays no attention to the heartless when he is looking at Kairi, and the flicking part by Hades XD. 3. No, made him look kinda like Axel. 4. Yes, Goofy is so Annoying!!!!!!!! 5. No, King Micky rocks, and if he died, then you wouldn't have anyone to help you when you died against Xaldin. 6. Yes, GUMMI SHIP?! Who in there right mind thing of that name, it is kinda weird....-_-
Sometimes I think maybe Namine was willing herself not to connect to kairi just yet. you know, because she was trying to save her. Because if Namine had told Kairi that she was a nobody, then Kairi wouldn't want to go with her. That way, namine was able to will herself to keep her form so that she could save Kairi.
... I'm Sora, usually I'm Kairi... what the heck...ergh, nvm