um...Nomretep? I don't understand your question, and you didn't answer mines. well, anyway, if I could answer it I would, but here's my question: Who is the cloaked figure in Hallow Bastion in FM that you fight, the one that tests you.
Actually, I think that Kairi was sent to Destiny Islands to escape from the darkness. They must have sent her their because they wanted the last Princess of Heart to be safe or something.
OMG! The Stupid Files were awesome! I really enjoyed watching it. It's almost as funny as DarkSwords Spoofs. Their called Kingdom hearts Spoof. It's so funny for a lot of things. You should try and watch it some time. There as funny as your files. *claps* I really do like your videos though :D
...They look the same...what the...that is cheap.
It's probably suppose to make the last boss the most memorable cause you fight it a bunch of time. It's also probably supposed to make it harder, unlike some of the other bosses.
I like Destiny Islands, Radiant Gardens, and Twilight Town. Mainly because this is where all the friends met. DI=Sora,Riku, Kairi. RG=Leon (Squall), Yuffie, Cid, Aerith, Cloud. TT=Roxas, Hayner, Pence, Olette.
Whoa!o_o Don't do that! nvm. Well, anyway we are just going to have to wait for a while so yeah, don't knock yourself out again...-_-
thought she was going to faint. Just then Sara walked in with a triumphent smile. She though everything was alright but...
I'm going to do a Mushu imitation: "Much better, much better! Come'n!"~Mushu, Mulan It got much better, just like what Mushu said to Cricket. I like it XD
Ok, you all did well on the Character Stats. Anyway, the RPG will be able to start once we are able to get a few more Org. XIII members mainly 1~6. Thanks for you cooperation, cause this is real hard to do.
I love all of them. Especially Mulan, Pocahontas, and Fantasia. I just can't seen to find just one that I like.
I enjoy KH1 and KH2 usually. Maybe some other videogames, but I still think the Kh series rule.
I think that he has a point. Some yaoi's are really scary, i mean like AkuRoku is alright, SoRiku, Zemyx, but some are likee real creepy. There's Zexion and Roxas which is weird cause they barely talk to each other probably, and some other ones.
pull out a giant mallet. She ran swiftly towards NRA but...
Definetely Sephiroth. Xemnas is confused and just wants a heart. Melificent is sorta stupid. But Sephiroth is totally awesome, he goes against one goal only, to gain the darkness of Cloud!
Yeah that movie was cool, I cry at the part where Mufasa dies, but now I don't watch it very often, although I remember the story line.
Narnia was awesome, it had good graphics if you ask me. I read a few of the books, but I plan on reading all of them real soon. :P
I really liked DH, but I only got to watch like one episode. Now i can't even remember what DH was! XD Well, I forget real easily sometimes.
I really like Reflection from mulan, I Can't Wait to be King from Lion King, We are One, from LK2, all the Tarzan songs, and Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas.
small dagger. He began to run towards Sara but...