He seemed very very angry with Kairi, but...
One word for ya. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Axel appeared in front of them, and said hi, but...
no problem :D Ok, We can begin...cause no one else is joining. Few years after defeating Xemnas, Sora, Riku, and Kairi are headed off to Hero's academy.
Player (you): RPGgamer Character Desired (Character from game, or created one): Zexion; Ienzo Interests: Reading, Studying Hobbies: Reading a book, or writing Personality: Quiet, emo Attire:White lab coat, black undershirt, and black jeans Build: Short, skinny
They looked everywhere but Mickey was nowhere, then...
you can join if you wanna, I think your's would be cool too, my friend was in it Ukali Rules, but she stopped.
was able to calm him down. Finally...
'Well, what are you doing Ienzo? It looks like your fixing up something hm?" OOC (Out of Character): Er... Rouge Angel, your character was from R.G. right?
was able to go into fetal position XDDD (I would love to see that) but he didn't cause...
Probably, since he is probably the smartest.
Kairi didn't die. He hear a laugh and turned around to see...
Ansem was still studying when he read the books that Braig brought.'...Argh, Braig, you brought in the wrong books, oh well, I'll tell him when he finishes shooting stuff.' With that Ansem went back to researching on the heartless.
Lol's Can I be Zexy? 0.o i'm turning into Demyx TT-TT. Well, anyway, I wanna be Zexion.
He was knocked unconscious too! Finally, Sora came and defeated them but...
Dude! That movie was awesome! It was real cool! Two of my favorite songs are Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts, and Cheeta Girls remix of Route 66
When we actually have more characters. if not, I'll start soon.
White Mushroom? When you battle Riku and you hit him, he curls into a small ball. What will he do shortly after curling up into a ball?
got out his keyblades and started to destroy all of them. Unfortunately...
cats and dogs. It was funny with all the people getting hit but...