I think I like Sora, Kairi, and Roxas's clothing. I even saw when they mixed together Sora and Roxas's clothing, it was cool. You have to go to deviantart to find it, but I forget the title. XD
I can't think of one... well, if I could take out some letters, it would be leax, but if I couldn't then it would probably be like leaxshy, or lyxeash...errr....-_-
I actually think that maybe Riku willed Sora to use the Way to Dawn. For the flower thing, well, maybe Riku was supposed to take it to her, so she could unlock her power. With Roxas, um... well, Riku in the first one was able to weild Oblivion because he had darkness in his heart. Maybe a small trace of darkness was left and so he was able to use Oblivion.
Well, Demyx is ok, but he is still kinda annoying. I mean, his water clones are so annoying! He can't fight either, so he is kinda wimpy. But still, he is pretty cool, but aside from annoying the heck out of me with that 'Dance Water Dance!' and the water clones, yeah.
Maybe they got that name because they are unlucky, well kinda. Ok, they are unlucky to have hearts and 13 is the unlucky number. They must have used that name because it fit them real well, so yeah.
If you wanna defeat a boss, it would be best that you have a lot of healing cards. You should probably level a little more and gain more hp and cp. Don't use too many sleights, if your low on hp, then you would probably have to have a few cure cards, and if you do, cure yourself right away, and stock up on 0 cards for card breaks so you don't get killled. That's what I always do, except I really stink at the card system XD
My favs are Mulan, Auron, Simba, and Riku. Mulan cause she is like the only girl that has awesome moves, Auron cause he is only FF character, and has an awesome blade, Simba cause he is cool friend, and RIku cause he can use dark powers.
Zexion is pretty cool, I still don't know though... it is either Axel or Zexion :P.
There are like what 11 or 12 How many kinds of items like potions are there?
There are like 75 or 50, eh I forgot What's the hardest Ohricalhum+ that you have to get? (Just got this from friend)
I really like the fight with Xemnas when he was that giant king thing sitting on that throne. I also liked the 1000 heartless battle, and the final battle against Axel. Those were cool
My favorite disney character would probably be Mulan, or Pocahontas. Mulan is awesome because she actually wants to help her father, and Pocahontas just wants to help her people and learn about the settlers. They're both real cool
... For defaults i think that I like Riku's, although she doesn't really get to use it in the party. For changing, I like Sora's weapons, they looks real cool. For ones that you just see, and can't have that person a party member... I think it would be Kairi's
Keyblade hmm... I like the Oathkeeper keyblade. It looks pretty cool, but that's my opinion