... *ninja poofs* Hi guys ^^
-Siren-chan- ToT I'm sorry! I wish I could help! Dun jump DX I'd be saddeneded. Bye byez D= -HisNobody- Awe, bye byez *wavewave*
-Siren-chan- Ohhh, I seee~ Awe, he/she ish so kawaii~!! -*Oblivion*- Oh, okay then ^^ As long as you eat someone =]
-Siren-chan- Haha, oh, well, the Riku fangirls, then Xp LOL I wonder why that is?? -*Oblivion*- Awe *hugs* It's okay.. OH, OH! *waves hand* EAT ME!!
-*Oblivion*- T^T I don't blame you, that is sad! There's nothing wrong with crying, either =]
*falls out of chair* Maybe... But now people will want to hug him more xP
-HisNobody- Nuuuu! T^T That's not good... -*Oblivion*- Awe, what's wrong?
xDDDD I think he looks better that way!
^.~ Haha, the Tenimyu one? (and just for the record, so can yours >D I luffles teh Rikuuu~!)
It can! And I noticed that too >.> Stupid copyrights...
I love this stuff =D
*high-fives* I'm addicted x] I just got done with watching the skit ^^
XDDDD I will never forget that!
Oh my... I just listened to Kadaj's Song... *dies* That was awesome!
*ish obsessed with this now* I just watched the first one, and holy cow! I died on the trio song XDD
*falls out of chair* I dun think Sephy will be pleased xD
-Siren- I'ma watch it >D!! -DP- Awe, bye! Hope you have a good day tomorrow! *wavewave*
-Siren- XDDD So, I am, what? A "Jenovalist"? xD
*bows to Kadaj* Teach me, master!!! xDD Hey, darksmile! How are you doing?
I should start going to Kadaj's church XD