Hey *gets hit* I've been better, thanks. What about you?
..Did I miss something?
Yes, welcome to the site! Everyone around here is pretty cool, so you'll have lots of fun. Hope to see you around sometime!
-Emu-chan- lol Now I'm a Jenovalist xDD And I would have joined the Fellowship ^^ -Dark- Gomen~! It was an Advent Children parody that I posted earlier. We were talking about the series ^^;
*heartless laughter* Siren-chan got me hooked last night ^^ First it was the Jenovaism, then it was the Kadaj Song xD
Llama llama llama llama llama I had a llama named after me once. It made my day =]
Did you see it? I die everytime for some reason.
Oh no! >.< I don't know if I'll be able to look at it.
-Dark- I've got Shirota Yanagi Demyx and Vincent. -Emu-chan- I have the perfect video for that, hang on XD Here, it's kind of at the end, though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8ATpkCv74E
I know >.< I'm still upset about his hair, though =/
Yupp. I've got a bunch of idiots >.> T^T T^T T^T . . . Okay, an idiot, an adorable one, a waterbender and a vampire >.< T^T ^_^ ^^ ...
Oh, man, same here >.< I was not a fan of Al's hair DX
xD Yeah, 'yami' means darkness. I was actually surprised I got it right O.o
XD Who doesn't love Jack?
-eastercat- T^T Oh, noez! What will we do without ye? D=
-Emu-chan- That's lovely =D -Dark Princess- Awesome! Roy ish teh coolness ^^
Oooh, okay ^^ Roy? Rooooooyyyy? Mustang Roy? Hi! ^^
I agree. I liked the fact that it was still long, but I missed the braid.
If Ed ever cut his hair... It just wouldn't be the same. I like the way his hair is.
-Yami*no*Hime- Hm... Princess of Darkness, I presume? HI! I'm lookaheartless, the Insane Child ^^ You can call me LAH or Macie though =] Nice to meet you! "Welcome to our happy flock." Emu-chan~!! *tackleglomps*