-Des- xDD You best do more than try, betch. Or else you'll get eaten alive here :ninja: *waves hand* Shoo, go read the rules.
-Des- I'll help you, dun worry... -Siren-chan- I know~!! (I can't get Jenovaism out of meh head xD)
Oh! Welcome, Des. Everyone here is pretty cool, and you'll get used to it, don't worry. (and you can't punch anyone in the throat >.<')
Night night, Ichigo~!!! That's awesome, Siren-chan!
*waves* Bye byez, khchick!!
^^; 'Kay, thanks =] Once DBuc figures it out... xD
xDDD Hey guys, is it okay if Destinee up there joins our little flock?
-VGN- Whaaat? I know she's a goofball.
Ah, nothing. Just my sister xD That was Destinee, BTW
Heyy, guys ^^;
i'm good just sitting here being bored.. thought I would say something to you guys && girls
I'm doing pretty well myself thanks=] I kinda understand how to do this thing FINALLY It's way more confusing then myspace...
Uhh That's good you are doing good && It's really Macie's sister Destinee thanks much=]
hiiii this is macie's sister=] how are you kids?
O.O Your friend is very unique! And I do mean that in a good way ^^
KXR!! I thought I saw you down there. How have you been?
We shall see! :ninja:
-VGN- *whacks with racket* Have a nice day ^^
-VGN- That's good. Hii Ichigo~. How are you doing?
-Shoe Buddy- No problem -VGN- Hiii. Just damn peachy, thanks. How about yourself?