Dx Now that part isn't so awesome. But you draw pretty dang well! (Yeah! Extra Credit for the Jenovaism Exam!)
Damn, I failed!! xDD And *falls out of chair at strip* That's awesome XD
-Des- Yeah, even if you're just upstairs xD -Siren-chan- O.O *looks at questions* "Question #1: What is the first commandment of Jenovaism?" Uhm.. *writes* "Drink 8 glasses of water everyday." X.x I'm so gonna fail this. And I don't see a link T^T
I dun either xD I got out of school about a month ago. -Des- Yayy
Uhm, okay. See you later, sleep well. *wavewave* And good luck on that exam.
-Siren-chan- xD -iP- Whatever you say...
Ooh! *jumps up and down* Can I see~?
The 24th of whaaaaat?
-Siren-chan- Ooh, what did ya finish? -Des- Just chill, sister...
Bring it on~!!
Nuuu. You'll wake up mom, and my dad will be crappy >.< Then I'll kill you -_- And I asked if you wanted my help =/
Bah, shut it. I said I was joking and you know I was >.<
I think someone is have troubles. *jabs finger in direction of Destinee* I jokes. But I am bored DX
-Alex- Nuu, dun die DX And does anyone have Olette as a partner?
-Siren-chan- It's SUGOI~!!!
*headdesk* Shut up, Des xD I won't bring you stuff upstairs anymore.
-Siren-chan- Noooope, I think you're okay ^^
Destinee thinks she's a gangster. Don't ask xD
Destinee kinda punches hard though. ...Poor Michal.